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Everything posted by joemac

  1. I just want to see Young let it rip. Hes playing very timid, conservative, afraid to make mistakes ball right now. So many times it seems like hes gonna just plant his foot and gun it, but he pumps and shits himself and gets sacked....idk man. IDK if that is what hes being coached to do or what.
  2. Because defenses are cheating against us right now. Our scheme and playcalling are so Mickey Mouse that every DC in the league knows how to beat us. Blitz the poo out of Young (because our o-line is ass cheeks), and crowd everyone up at the line of scrimmage, bring the safteys down tight, because we have nobody who is even a modicum of a deep threat. Also gives them an advantage in the run game. I believe our woes begin at playcalling, then o-line, THEN QB issues. However if you fix those 2 things, miraculously the QB looks good.
  3. Seriously man. Bryce hasn't been great, but its not like hes totally shitting the bed either. The o-line, the coaching/playcalling and the running game have not been doing anybody any favors either. People are acting like hes completing 45% of his passes and throwing 4 picks a game. Don't get me wrong, im miserable with the teams performance thus far, but I am not THAT down on Bryce to say he wouldn't even be a 7th round pick. Thats absurd lmao.
  4. Is it just me, or do we only mainly use motion on running plays? And its usually the TE? Seems like we only have 2 running plays, and we use them all the time. They both feature the TE coming in motion for some reason...Reich needs to hang his play sheet up already and turn the reigns over to Brown, before its too late for everybody.
  5. I think the order of blame goes as follows: 1. Reichs system as a whole 2. Reichs play calling 3. Offensive line play 4. Miles Sanders being a useless jabroni 5. Offensive skill (or lack thereof) 6. Bryce Young
  6. I mean his completion percentage today was amazing. 80% + lol. He just poo the bed multiple times when it counted
  7. Sanders is complete trash. He does that retarded stutter step/jump on every play like he’s Lesean McCoy or something, except he’s not fast and has no vision. Hubbard is by far the better back. And Icky and Zavala both have been complete garbage all year. Add terrible play calling and no WRs except for 1 (who is not fast) and that’s a recipe for disaster. Also where has the TE position been all year save for game 1? Just a constant, complete mess on offense. Nobody is exempt.
  8. He’s just skittish as hell. Like just let it rip dude. There are multiple plays today where he looks like he’s going to throw and then doesn’t, and try’s to roll away and gets sacked. Over and over and over. Just throw the fuging ball. Give your guys a chance to make plays.
  9. You mean run up the middle for 1 yard every single first down isn’t a sound strategy?
  10. Just throw the fuging ball up bro. What the hell? What the hell Ickey? What the hell everybody?
  11. Why don’t we give the fast WR we got from KC a chance to take a shot or 2 deep? We’re never going to do poo if we never even attempt to challenge teams deep. Even intermediate!! We simply do not attempt to pass more than 7 yards from the LOS. It’s maddening and it fuging SUCKS to watch as a fan
  12. Dude these Mickey Mouse ass playcalls are about to make me lose my fuging mind
  13. I’ve seen him get completely stonewalled one on one with the T and TE multiple times
  14. Where is Brian Burns?! Is he even playing the past couple weeks? This who team is fuging trash man I swear. Even our so called stars.
  15. He’s having to kill almost every single play. Idk if the original calls are poo, or Bryce thinks he’s prime Payton Manning but it’s pretty easy to rush when you snap it at 1 every goddamn fuging time
  16. Why? They’re gonna release his ass next week anyways.
  17. I lost my mom when I was in basic training with the Air Force. They snatched me out of bed in the middle of the night, told me what happened, and then put me on a plane. I was at home for a month, then had to go right back into the belly of the beast. It was crazy as hell.
  18. Im telling yall. He’s hitting us for AT LEAST 200. I wouldn’t be shocked with a 300 piece.
  19. Im shocked any of those games can pull in 17,000 people. Thats actually not half bad.
  20. You're probably right, however I know that this XFL, USFL poo ain't it. It never works, has never worked, and will never work. How many 1 off seasons have these leagues had, and then they fold?
  21. You don't have to be an asshole. And no, there is no official NFL farm system. I assume you're talking about college football, but that is not the same. MLB has the minor leagues, NBA has the G League. What does the NFL have? All the other sports also play in college, but then they also have legit professional farm systems.
  22. Dude is gonna hit us with a 300 piece on Sunday.
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