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Everything posted by j2sgam

  1. One of the baddest instrumentals ever....
  2. Even funnier when you catch the 'Back to the Future' references... the flaming tire tracks? 88mph? C'mon....
  3. I did my damndest to post the pic, it just wouldnt save for me to upload it... That was yesterday's attempt at humor... :D

  4. Thats what I said when you declined!! I shoulda known.. I couldnt believe it when he told me, and money was so tight that I didnt have means for a PlanB...I shoulda got up with you while I was down there, prol'ly been the high point of the trip, no pun intended...

  5. WEAK... My bro-in-law said the tix got gaffled. He had paid for them, put them in a checkbook and somebody swiped it. So, I spent the whole weekend chasing the kids and waiting to go home. I would've f_ckin hated life if yous actually could've made it to the game...

  6. I never had the dis/ pleasure of working with X10, although I heard it has always been a pain in the ass. Things have come a long way since then.. Love the Chloe avvy you have, top shelf...

  7. I, being of almost sound mind & body, will decide the old fashioned way.. Heads or tails, or in this case, boobs or booty.. F__k it..Whoever has the hottest avvy at 3:16pm tomorrow gets my vote..:D

  8. Good lookin out on the negrep there LiQuiD.. I should be on my way to recovery soon...

  9. She hasnt learned to be disappointed yet... But I think the next word Ima teach her is 'Pickles!'...

  10. C'mon man, where's your sense of humor? :dita:

  11. I did my best to be unbiased, but DAMN that pissed me off...

  12. I did the Google on cute kids..that was the 1st pic to come up...:dita:

  13. Why? I guess I do need one with both kids, now that my daughter is 3 weeks shy of a year old...Or could it be that the old one is gone and there is nothing...Lemme see what i can do...

  14. ...and who has the stones to keep a pic of themselves in a Delhomme jersey nowadays?

  15. ??? I used to have one of me and my son, but I dont see it now...

  16. Nice! I checked Pro-rock.com and saw they were playing down there and seriously considered tryin to make it, but couldnt. Did they do anything new? Or is it still supporting 'Strange Cousins'? Thats awesome, man...

  17. Whats going on VB Panther? I almost took that user name when I joined, but didnt. Welcome to the Huddle from another VB resident...

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