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Everything posted by j2sgam

  1. Salute, Jon.. Many thanks, you are already missed.. Them Football Giants need you, take care of them...
  2. Once again, hands down, the most entertaining place on teh Internet... Lets see how many of the newbs have the stones to post come Monday...
  3. I do want to know the win/loss record for 'On Notice' games... I tried to search but many threads have been lost over the years. I am not questioning Zod's integrity, I want to know.. Regardless, you cannot deny the articulated confidence, OnNotice gets this place pumped up. Thanks Zod...
  4. I have not seen any BB so I cant make a comparison, although I have heard nothing but great things about it. The Wire was great, do need to go watch it all again, just dont have the time. I intend on seein all of BB, doubt it will be in time to make a more relevant post in here...
  5. Wonder if this is anybody we know?
  6. Al Snow's neighbor? Whats with Head on the fence??
  7. iXJyKh03Usw">iXJyKh03Usw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  8. Unpredictable times call for the reliable friend...

  9. I got your Mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...

  10. Have not listened to anything else since I put this in last week, fuggin awesome, front to back.....
  11. your boyfriend doesnt know about me & your mother..

  12. How I see every Falcon flag.....
  13. Photographer Martin Rietze recently traveled to Japan where he had the incredible opportunity (or near grave misfortune?) of photographing the Sakurajima Valcano in southern Kyushu as it spewed forth smoke, fire, and lava bombs.
  14. I find it funny thinkin about whats gonna happen after you light the fuse....
  15. I bought one of the books for my detached garage, built it myself at 16'x24', wired it up and now its my workshop/mancave... Lots of cool layouts, the book I got wanted me to send money for their plans.. Yeah, no... No pic of garage, but here's yous obligatory...
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