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About j2sgam

  • Birthday 01/09/1974

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  1. I'm moving to Kernersville for a new job. Getting a new house too. AV setup seems to be pretty expensive when there is no entry to the room from the attic or crawl space. :( Its 2 story on a slab.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. j2sgam


      Sorry Kris, didnt see you had posted back... The flex is fine, that will allow you to pass whatever, you might need more than 1 HDMI at some point, depending on how you hook everything up... Gas fireplace makes it easier, usually a deadspace above, makes it easy to fish the cables where you want them... He could be suggesting to run the power over an extension cord with the HDMI. Not really supposed to do this, but I have when the client doesnt want to pay an electrician.

    3. j2sgam


      Call me if you want, 757-449-0057...

    4. Kettle


      I went with the flex without having seen your comment. Now I'll just need some rear speaker wires ran.

      I don't like how the new format treats the profile messages. I just have to keep checking back since I don't get a notification.

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