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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. i heard he lived in BigKats building, and they chat every day in the elevator
  2. move to Dallas and get to the super bowl again before the cowboys
  3. would you say he has kurbed his enthusiasm to post here anymore?
  4. we have a lot of myopic takes on this forum, but cot dayum son!
  5. anywhere in particular? Juan might be interested.
  6. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7qOT0IOmeX/?igsh=ZWpoY284dTZrZHVi
  7. the only thing i got out of that was that gantt likes hot dogs
  8. reading comprehension is hard. you even highlighted it, and still didn’t get it.
  9. well, yeah. it’s been months since we knew what we have, and will be a few more months until we get a really good look. what do you expect? you aren’t going to learn anything substantial during the offseason.
  10. but you haven’t seen any walking nor quacking from this team. we don’t know anything about what we currently have. if we get 5-6 wins and are competitive in every game, then i’ll be ecstatic about our future. if we look lost and get abused, then yeah we have a duck. right now we have an unknown, which is some respects can be even more frustrating, or intriguing, depending on how you want to look at it.
  11. so now we wait to see if he shows improvement. it’s perfectly reasonable to expect significant improvement from year one to two. we’ll see. i hope so.
  12. based on the QBs drafted #1 comparison thread, he’s right where he should be. if your expectations were to have a rookie lead us to the playoffs without an OL and WR corps, maybe your expectations were a bit off.
  13. i often forget Milwaukee sports teams even exist
  14. there’s a difference between being a vocal rah rah extrovert and commanding control of the huddle. iirc, reports were that his understanding of the playbook and game in general made him respected when calling plays.
  15. i had ptsd after a few years. every time he’d throw i’d turn my head and grit my teeth afraid to watch.
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