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Mother Grabber

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About Mother Grabber

  • Birthday 03/06/1970

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  1. how many times do people want us to run against a stacked box? did people actually watch the game, or just read the box score and freak out?
  2. i think we should instantly cut all of our draft picks, right after training camp, so we never have any more rookies on our team. that’s the clear answer.
  3. gooder than we were, and that’s good enough for me. keep gettin gooder!
  4. you have a very strong option about a game that you profess not to have watched.
  5. canales haters can fug off, too. from what i’ve heard, we have the worst talent of any team ever, yet he has is playing mid-tier level ball. it hasn’t even been a full season yet, and people aren’t happy with the clear turnaround he’s directed. they are performing well above expectations, but people still just gotta bitch about something.
  6. i ain’t even mad. we beat them. two missed field goals, a couple of stalls in the red zone that will be scores next year, and a fumble in scoring position to end the game. we lost the game, but we beat them.
  7. Young haters need to fug all the way off! all the fuggin way off.
  8. how many punts are we going to let dribble for an extra 30 yards
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