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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. In retrospect, Brian Burns might've been a better choice, since he's also a Pro Bowl player, and there's nowhere Huddlers want to see Pro Bowlers more than Buffalo.
  2. The instant rage this generated was well worth it. People who ejaculate at the mere thought of CMC, the entire offense, being traded, are like, "Moton is a good player, why would we get rid of a good player"
  3. Probably just a matter of time before they trade him. He is still a major force and a contender would be crazy not to take a shot. I will hate to see him go, but his talent is being wasted here (just like Cam). By the time the Panthers become a constant contender he will be worn down to a nub at the rate he is going. The Bills would be my choice. S.M and Beene have built quite a team. You get a snapshot of what the Panthers could have been. Bonehead moves have put us behind the eight ball as usual.
  4. The first half of that is almost a guarantee. The second half of that is as likely as the sun rising in the west.
  5. Cam Newton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PJ Walker
  6. Pulled this about four and a half years ago. It’s not the most valuable card I own since I have a couple in the $10k-$15k range, but it’s pretty special to me.
  7. I think he sucks. He can't catch, he has an attitude problem and he thinks of himself as a WR1 when reality says otherwise. He'll bounce back for a short period of time before their WR comes back, he goes back to 1-2 targets per game and is rage-traded once again, then cut.
  8. Is there a "Neva Threw Past The LOS!" gif?
  9. All the "he's the lucky one" are gonna feel weird when he does the same poo there. I went on record from Day 1 never wanting this overrated headcase. fuging locker room cancer and Rhule's unspoken right-hand man. Still pissed this team's only win this season ended up with Rhule getting the game ball instead of Haynes.
  10. An NFL-caliber QB would have been nice to have
  11. Why? So he can throw four picks and you can say "we should've run the ball"?
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