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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I’m gonna get a “he sucked” out of him re: a 2-sack game lol
  2. The defense got worse because two Waffle House employees started at corner today. I wouldn’t mind Wilks as the coach, simply because there’s a 1000% chance Tepper will just hire another Rhule instead. Not because Wilks is great, but because he’s better than anything Rhule can find.
  3. The absolute last thing I’m doing is looking up more poo you type. Absolute last thing.
  4. I mean tbh Burns is really another Frank Alexander, 12.5 sacks is mediocre at best
  5. 23 pages of posts and not one around Week 16 wonder why
  6. It’s in fact not good for the future because Tepper will make the worst possible hire in the off-season
  7. Idk let me avoid talking about him for a week like you did
  8. I can’t wait til tomorrow when mrcompletely11 falls in love with an old drunk who calls Brian Burns the second coming of Everette Brown
  9. Lol everyone has a right to say stupid poo they've joined you in exercising that right
  10. Stroud will be the best QB from this draft. Richardson's who I'd pick as a consolation.
  11. At least one of the QBs will be there at 7 or 8.
  12. What is, then? I don't know that the NFL would go so far as to remove the Panthers' long-awaited sixth win in a single season.
  13. Anytime you can give up a Pro Bowl DE for another Yetur Gross-Matos, you do it in a heartbeat
  14. here's a post that someone won't acknowledge, just like when he ignored this thread's existence
  15. You have a fetish for making an ass of yourself. Unlike you, I'll say when someone's good and bad. Burns isn't very good against the run, but you're an absolute moron for thinking it makes him anything less than a standout player.
  16. I’m all for Darnold being the Derek Anderson-like backup.
  17. Post about players when they do well and not only when they do poorly, and then maybe your claims will have substance
  18. You are chickenshit for disappearing when he plays well. I don’t give a flying fug about anything else you say, nor does anyone else with half a brain
  19. Too scared to post in his favorite thread after a win Magically shows up after a loss /calls someone else a chickenshit
  20. lol you bumped a thread after Burns had a bad game but when he dominated in a must-win game ONE WEEK before this thread was NOWHERE to be found lol But “continue with the insults”
  21. Do you suffer from short-term memory loss? I said that you don’t get to create rules after the fact, and only when they serve you. If you think your terms are fair, great. So are mine, then.
  22. lol that actually makes it worse. He was hired in January of 2021, so: 2 drafts 2 good players 2 decent players 17 picks Now, without using a Trump gif, tell me how this past draft that landed 1 starter and 0 backups was a rousing success, my man
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