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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I'm not comparing quarterbacks. I'm just saying that the idea of tanking every November and December for the chance of a practice squad standout is not the most successful way of conducting business. Some seasons are lost, sure, but for one week -- one week -- fans of this team had hope for the first time in five years. Is that worth dropping as many as two draft slots, where one of the players we want will still be there? Sure. It is to me.
  2. So we're not counting it, because, well, we just don't want to. 10-4
  3. Would like to know your thoughts on this, @Kentucky Panther Instead of tanking and landing Kevin White, who's blossomed into a practice squad WR, the team won a pointless division championship, an utterly meaningless playoff game and, due in part to a lower first-round draft pick, struggled to a 15-1 record the following season and backed into a Super Bowl berth.
  4. You have to hope the draft picks net good players, who we can complain are one-trick ponies and "not as tough as Steve Smith," so you can hope they get traded for more draft picks, which we hope will net good players, who we can trade for more draft picks, which we hope will net good players, which we hope will be traded for more draft picks, which we hope will net good players, to net even more draft picks, which we hope will lead us to a Super Bowl. Then we can finally trade those good players for draft picks, which we hope will net good players.
  5. OK. Following up: how much did a meaningless division title, meaningless playoff appearance and meaningless first playoff win in 9 years hurt the Panthers more in 2014, than a 5-11 record and the once-in-a-lifetime chance to change the course of team history by selecting WR Kevin White or DT Danny Shelton?
  6. So the Panthers could, by your metric, go a decade of 170 meaningless games.
  7. I just don't understand why people desperately want the team to lose, and when they do, they lash out and disparage the coaches and players
  8. Somehow saying a dude has no character is “defending a pervert” now. This country is woefully uneducated
  9. Personally, I always want to win, but realistically, I don't see it.
  10. Just a gut feeling. I don't have anything against him. And it's not all him -- I place very, very little blame at his shoulders from Sunday. I think you'll see quite a few guys not taking it seriously and when that happens, it impacts others' performances.
  11. I'm good with having him back as a backup. A backup is a guy who can do fine for you in spot duty, but who gets exposed beyond that. That's Darnold, just like it was Derek Anderson. It's good work and there's no shame in it, but once you're getting to five or six Darnold starts, there's a real crapper incoming.
  12. Apparently nobody's in worse shape than the Rams, and if anything is certain it's that if a defending Super Bowl champion struggles in the middle of one season, they're absolutely finishing with the league's worst record two seasons later
  13. Darnold's gonna have an awful game Sunday that'll drive his price down for the offseason.
  14. Steve Wilks is also a passable Lou, but I can't decide who was a better Dorn: Robby Anderson, or Baker Mayfield
  15. Yeah but when she went off every time "Wild Thing" came on, that's Tepper with Keep Pounding "Oh no, not that god damn chant again"
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