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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. All any of us are doing is predicting what'll happen and that's all we'll continue to do. Predict and react. The thing that concerns me most is that when I've loved a major trade, it turned out pretty well (Olsen in 2011 comes to mind among others), and when I hated it or it even gave me pause (Darnold trade, but even moreso the Henderson trade) I tried to justify it but ultimately thought it sucked. And, it did. The last time this team spent a first-round pick on a guy I didn't want, and who turned out great, was 2005. And as far as the WR room, I do not believe Fitterer is capable of upgrading or even treading water there. He drafts bad WRs, and is prone to being sold lemons quite easily. The pass-catchers he's acquired are not good players. Shenault is a decent WR4. The others, just my opinion, won't get a single start whenever they leave here.
  2. I'm still not happy with it because of the player being given up, but that's the only way I can justify the deal in any way. Forfeiting picks matters less when you choose the right player, but when you don't, you're ending up with egg on your face and even more embarrassment for a franchise that, bar December of last year, has collected it like pollen on a car for years. In short: yeah, I'd get it. Still wouldn't be crazy about it, but it beats the alternatives of having lousy QB play and overpaying for garbage WRs. That part's coming next regardless.
  3. I liked the Reich hire (it was him or Wilks for me), but if he signs off on someone who didn't put up 346 yards in the CFP semifinal, I'll gladly call it a mistake. There's the only player who can transform a franchise for the better in this draft. But nothing is more Panthers than avoiding that guy. Simply put: if you take a series of options, and predict the worst one with this team, you're gonna be right more than you're wrong. And I'd gladly eat crow if Kyler Jr. pans out. If anyone else is the pick, I'll help them pack boxes for their next city.
  4. It has been a long time since this franchise made a strategic step in the right direction, and I need proof they're capable of it before I can have even a smattering of faith. To me, the No. 1 pick seems obvious. But I have a reasonable concern they're gonna go against the grain to be cool, and fail miserably once again.
  5. That would make sense, but I don’t think they’re smart enough. Seems that reports surrounding it are corroborating that idea as well.
  6. He’s saying trading Moore early was a good decision, because reasons.
  7. Trading the farm for someone you could’ve gotten without trading up would be the Tepperest move to ever Tepper. Is it the ideal move? No, and it’s not even remotely wise. But it’s very much in play because it’s unpredictable, and he loves to be in the headlines while catching people by surprise. Finishing with the worst record without getting the No. 1 overall pick would create plenty of buzz. That’s what you’re getting if you did all that for the fifth-best quarterback, a guy who ideally goes about 17th.
  8. A lot of people here mistake some posters for others. I’ve seen it all day, people trying to take the intellectual high ground, hoping no one will notice they’re making unfounded claims about what others believe. He’s welcome to take the Prove-It Challenge and send me a link to where I want Darnold as the starter. Go ahead, @amcoolio
  9. I’ve not even brought up Darnold, he’s just grasping at straws bc he’s a dumbass.
  10. I thought our galaxy-brained, condescending elder statesman and his superior intellect was far above casting insults down upon such peons as those who don’t think exactly as he does. Better add a random emoji at the end to properly punctuate it
  11. “When you see someone who derives their self esteem from trying to bring down others, all you have to do is not let them affect you and watch them get frustrated.“ Four hours and he’s back on it lol
  12. I thought insulting strangers was frowned upon and we were keeping tabs on who did it. Guess not Took my guy one post and he couldn’t help himself
  13. So in your eyes, there’s a great chance the front office gave up a boatload of picks and its best player for someone likely available where they originally were. It’s demonstrably stupid, but well within all likelihood.
  14. My comfort level with them not being THAT dumb is about zero. It’s just like Tepper to go off the reservation and get the Rhule-type swing for the fences that guarantees headlines.
  15. The quickest way to hemorrhage fans would be to trade up to a top 2 pick for the 5th best qb in the draft, and give a No. 1 overall right back to Chicago If they all sign off on Levis, this franchise is dead.
  16. Burns and No. 1 in 2025 for No. 2 overall and Will Anderson? I could see Fittsy spring for it
  17. How are we gonna talk ourselves into Will Levis at 1 or 2 if they're sold on him? Who's the brightest fan with the most electric blue-tinted glasses?
  18. None of those guys are a WR2 and, at best, one is a WR3 but they're probably all WR4s.
  19. Tepper's soccer boys traded up for the No. 1 pick and bagged a guy they could've gotten eight picks later.
  20. Bryce would far and away be my No. 1 if the NFL had a height rule stipulating that linemen could only be so tall.
  21. Tepper has been unhappy in trusting dumbass coaches over his instinct (Horn over Fields). So when the time comes to trust more competent coaches (I think they're more competent), he's gonna lean on his dumbass instinct.
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