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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. F-minus isn't a bad enough grade on this
  2. Probably because it has been suggested — in this thread.
  3. I’m not singling you out as much as it may seem, bc you’re definitely not the biggest offender. I just tire of being like “oh hell, big news!” Then I click on it, and it’s an open-ended question.
  4. I’m talking about the headline being misleading, not the post. Like, it’s the same as if I titled a thread “Brian Burns Gets Contract Extension,” then posted “When do you guys think that will happen?”
  5. Btw these thread titles are misleading as hell. They make people click because you think it’s news, then it’s just speculation. Can they not be titled like “any stadium name update?”
  6. I'd rather go for that DJ Moore guy, you know, the one who only Panthers fans think is a mid-tier WR2
  7. Greg Olsen softened that blow. Don’t see an Olsen type on the roster.
  8. The WR corps as a whole is a bit better than last year, but lacking a star No. 1 WR will become very apparent very quickly.
  9. He turned $275 million into $3 billion and he still has a stake
  10. Jackson's at least put up some respectable (mostly full) seasons, even though his ceiling is below Horn's
  11. I'd rather go for another CB option
  12. Anderson is an election-denying moron but at least he’s also a Super Bowl 50 legitimacy-denying genius
  13. Posting this in early June is as smart as the guy who did the "We Already Won The Darnold Trade" thread after Week 2 of 2021.
  14. Burns had as many sacks against the Lions as Peppers had in all of 2007. Every DE has ups and downs but you pay your best players and keep them. It's sort of how the best teams win.
  15. Tommy Tremble has more career carries than Giovanni Ricci.
  16. I don't think anyone should think of that as a reach. Whether he pans out or not, it was fine
  17. Sports Illustrated, back when it was a real thing, had the Panthers bringing up the rear of the NFC South in its NFL previews in 2003 and 2015.
  18. I wasn't trying to convince anybody, I was just bringing up other historic moments that were less negative.
  19. But the good have been VERY good. 2005 season finale in Atlanta, a must-win to make the playoffs (like 2014), was a 44-11 blowout W. That was awesome. 2007 game in Atlanta, yeah Jake hurt his elbow, but DeShaun Foster and David Carr (!!) helped preserve the win. I was at that game, 50-yard line seats in the second row (but behind Atlanta's bench). There's been some great moments in Charlotte, too. 2015, the 38-0 win is still the largest margin of victory in franchise history, and to go much farther back, Timmy Biakabutuka running all over them in a Sunday Night Football win in 1997 was epic (though I don't remember it).
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