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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. https://x.com/TheoAshNFL/status/1708720634384327096?s=20
  2. Here’s the issue I have with your third point: it’s damned if he does, and damned if he doesn’t. Because if he comes out and exudes confidence, you’re gonna say “he must think a game like that is all he needs to play. What an idiot.” But if he doesn’t and he falls on the sword, he’s unconfident and broken.
  3. For a sixth overall pick you’d expect at least mediocre pass protection and he doesn’t even come close to that.
  4. I didn’t watch today, just drove home from a trip, took a nap and will enjoy my day regardless. It’s like they don’t exist anymore, and I’m better off operating that way.
  5. It's the third game of his career. He's gonna have a rough day bc Minnesota likes to blitz, we can't block, our WRs don't get open much and they'll just chill out all afternoon 5-15 yards from the LOS. The surprise will be when he plays well against Miami and we lose by a touchdown in one of our closest losses of this winless season.
  6. Shaping up to be another team total of 16 carries for 47 yards like usual
  7. misspelled Ickey but yeah, can't forget that first-down run for a loss of a yard
  8. he'll get some good exercise and have a DB all over him he can talk to
  9. I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention the 130-to-190-yard rushing game Minnesota will have
  10. If Dalton starts, it's a get-right game for Minnesota. If Young starts, it's a get-right game for Minnesota. Instead of putting all the eyes on QB performance, let's highlight Mr. 2 YPC himself, Miles Sanders, and his merry band of turnstiles. Young's not gonna throw for 375 yards and 6 TD, sorry. Probably 1 TD, 1 INT. Probably another 12-carry, 30-yard performance from Sanders where one carry goes for 12 yards and the rest are -1 to 1. CATCH THE FEELING
  11. I will say that it doesn’t make much difference which QB plays, the coach, OL and defense suck bad enough that no one can win a game with this shitwreck
  12. In football, a 17-point deficit is a 3-score deficit. In the English language, “3+” means “3 or more.” also note that every pass in this garbage-time TD drive that accounted for 75 of those yards was a short throw against Prevent, which is much more impressive than doing it a week ago because reasons
  13. I was only parroting what folks were saying about Young's touchdown drive to cut it to 3. If it doesn't count for one, it doesn't count for the other.
  14. I mean, sure we can -- just maybe try being consistent for once. I thought he looked fine, but we still got obliterated in the second half and out-scored 25-7 til there was a minute left. Don't see you keeping any of this energy when the rookie plays. That's what I mean about not being consistent.
  15. The Huddle loves non-Bryce QBs who put up big yards in garbage time when losing by 3+ scores. Can't wait to see the "Bryce is ROY" threads when he puts up those yards down big to Miami. Jk, it'll be "Bryce sucks, Prevent defense, doesn't count"
  16. The running game perpetually looks like a team that's up big and is just sort of going through the motions to get out of there as soon as possible The problem is that first part is never true, and this vibe persists when losing 7-3 in the second quarter
  17. That wasn't worth celebrating last week, why is it impressive now?
  18. I'm just commenting here bc I got in the Morgan Wallen thread after it got locked and that poo is FUNNY "thank you based Tepper"
  19. It's obviously not clear to everyone lol
  20. They benched him like Jaycee Horn gets benched every year
  21. While we’re trying to speak delusion into existence, why not include CJ Henderson as a building block? He sucks, which is apparently a key component
  22. Maybe he’s holding a clipboard bc he’s injured. The LT can’t play LT. His biggest strength is killing drives, but maybe if you hold your breath he won’t false start every other drive. And he might even block somebody
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