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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. That loser ain’t gonna give anyone hope unless they played for him at Baylor or Temple. The Fire Matt Rhule train adds a few hundred more today by 4:30. fug that clown, worst coach in franchise history.
  2. What do they do that makes sense? That’s why they’re Rhule and Fitterer: they do the unexplainable and then shrug their shoulders on Sundays thinking, “how did this happen?” Tune in for another example tomorrow around 4:15
  3. Darnold and Robby’s contracts will cost us DJ. Thanks, Rhule. Can’t wait to see you pack those bags next year, dickhead.
  4. It’s late in the year, Rhule is our coach, that’s an L.
  5. That stuff is gross. It's all about apple pie
  6. Turkey, Boston butt, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green beans, some sort of pie
  7. Like everyone else on defense yesterday he was tossed aside with relative ease, but Brown's not been bad at all this year. Many fans don't know the difference between defensive end and defensive tackle, which is fine.
  8. He bears a striking resemblance to Michael Larson of "Press Your Luck" fame, which makes perfect sense considering they both scammed rich people out of a lot of money in one high-profile sitting
  9. I don't think it took a lot of creativity or effort to post the same words Cam used. Also, all he did was make a couple chip-shots, which I guess is an accomplishment bc the goalposts could've been 40 yards wide when he was here and he'd have still missed.
  10. Aside from scamming billionaires and lying, what exactly are Rhule's strengths? Managing the Temple Job Bank?
  11. Getting trash players is what trash coaches and GMs do.
  12. That’s a bet I’ll throw some cash at. Not only is there a 0% chance we even finish 7-10, there’s even less of a chance Rhule gets fired.
  13. Prepare to be disappointed. We have to lose at least 7 in a row every year. This year we just pushed it back to the last 7. Rhule ain’t Rivera. Today proves that.
  14. He’s not gonna fire Rhule until next November when we’re in the midst of our annual long losing streak. Rhule will keep his job through the off-season, have another trash draft, then once we win Week 1 and lose 6-7 in a row he gets canned mid-season, Rhule promotes Snow the rest of the year and we pick No. 1 in 2023
  15. It’s on the entire defense. The one that couldn’t stop the pass or the run. The defense is a bunch of frauds. Spent all those picks for mediocrity.
  16. I said months ago Rhule’s the worst head coach this team has ever had and it’s still true. More of you will agree with me when we finish this season with a trademark 7-game losing streak
  17. Been saying it since late last season. Rhule will never get this team to the Super Bowl, to the playoffs or even to 7 wins.
  18. So next year? Cam comes back, the offense finally gets a good QB and the defense turns to dogshit
  19. If all is OK and he just did it for a scam, that's a real dick move
  20. Fun fact for the “PJ was the key” crowd: Cam Newton, in his first two snaps yesterday, scored more touchdowns than PJ Walker has in 10 quarters.
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