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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Considering at least 30 of the 53 players on the roster will never be signed by another NFL team once they leave Rhule's safe space, self-preservation is the only option. The Florida Tuskers would beat more NFL teams.
  2. The Carolina Panthers have the worst owner, worst head coach, worst coaching staff, worst GM, worst roster and worst drafting in the NFL. They've finally achieved perfection. They are the worst at everything. It took Tepper four years, but he did it. Now, enjoy the winless seasons.
  3. lol at y'all who think Rhule will draft anyone worth a damn. He's made 18 picks and he's hit on a single one. I legitimately, with no doubt in my mind, believe the average fan could hit on more than that.
  4. I mean, worst-case scenario you give up the No. 1 overall pick for a QB who won't be cleared to play. Best-case scenario, you give up your best offensive and defensive player for a QB who gets sacked and destroys his knee in Week 2. Sign me up!
  5. Huddlers have an obsession with trading the only remaining good players on this sinking ship of a franchise for draft picks, which just turn into more Derrick Browns, Terrace Marshall Jrs, Thomas Fletchers, Daviyon Nixons and Keith Taylors.
  6. Darnold is hot garbage but giving up your only Pro Bowler to hope and pray your second-round bust DE can somehow improve is ignorant as hell. But fug it, do it. I hope they go 0-17 every year. At least they continue to work hard at achieving that.
  7. It really comes down to the fact he just doesn't care about winning and would rather lose with someone who reminds him of himself than win with someone who might have a differing (read: educated) approach.
  8. No, there's the trash tier, which is the Jags, Giants and Jets. Then there's the Tepper tier, which is below the trash tier. That's where you'll always find the Panthers.
  9. Trading your only three good players and the No. 1 overall in 2023 to Houston for a guy who won't play, Total Tepper Move
  10. This is the problem with rooting for a team owned by one person who has no interest in winning.
  11. All he cares about is that they don’t engage with fans or sign autographs.
  12. Guys — the other NFL owners want to win. David Tepper does not care about winning. It means nothing to him. He paid to join an exclusive club. That is all.
  13. Today is no different than any other day in every year: all 31 NFL teams work to get better, and the Carolina Panthers stand pat with their colossal failures. it’s gonna be so neat to have the same team own both the longest winning streak in NFC history and the longest losing streak in NFC history — all because Matt Rhule dresses like a slob and was a short-order cook
  14. Like I said, this exhausting search will lead to Jeff Nixon as the "rockstar OC," because as long as Rhule hires trash assistants, he can't get fired mid-season. Wish he strategized how to win instead of how to scam, but here we are -- 14 months after I said he was a con artist and now everyone believes it.
  15. This thread is very offensive to frauds.
  16. Oh, trust me, your presence on the Huddle pales in comparison to your worst mistake, which was dodging that coat-hanger before you were born.
  17. This guy has a real vested interest in trying to out people as Chuck — probably because whenever someone’s opinions don’t line up with whatever exists in his infantile echo-chamber, he has to rationalize it as the only poster he recalls whose lack of intellect is comparable to his.
  18. 2 cities more low on money making population then us?? Really?? And both don't and won't build a new stadium for him. Where do you get this opinion?? Quote Then I post I need to avoid Chuck threads.. Are you native to conversation pattern??? Of course you are.. You're Chuck.. Lmao.. Based on yours and his limited command of the English language, you’re either BWood or Chuck. Also I’m pretty sure Chuck’s IQ, like yours, doesn’t exceed his shoe size — so no, regrettably, I’m not Chuck. Can you re-format that reply so it doesn’t look like the electronic form of an abortion? And before you do so, can you explain how someone who joined in 2009 with this very account, also somehow created it as an alt recently?
  19. Dude, I genuinely don’t mind and in most cases, particularly involving the mentally feeble and the chronologically challenged, I quite enjoy it. I’ve always been amused by the vitriol I get from threads I post. It’s not even what I say, it’s that I say it in some way they don’t like, and I enjoy the confusion and half-witted attempts at discourse.
  20. Nice try Chuck.. Your mental deficiency is staggering. 1) how is it a Chuck thread if “Chuck” isn’t the OP? 2) As has been stated before, how can I be a Chuck alt when I joined the Huddle on this account years before he joined? 3) you’re probably Chuck lol
  21. Do you make these same condescending comments in Hepcat threads, or when anyone else does it, or do you just have a crush on me?
  22. Again, your opinion matters as much to me as Cam Newton matters to Matt Rhule.
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