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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. 2018-19, best PG depth ever. 1: Kemba Walker 2: Tony Parker 3: Devonte Graham
  2. Half a million people, many of them the very people who voted for Trump in 2016, dead because he said a pandemic was fake, is not "winning". To be honest, Trump cost himself the last election by killing off just enough of his constituents in Michigan and Pennsylvania. If he told them to wear masks, he probably wins. Respectfully yours, A Registered Independent
  3. If you have to sell your TV because gas went up a couple bucks, maybe the fault is yours for poor choices.
  4. You're forgetting that a lot of Huddlers have no idea there's a difference in responsibility between a DE and a DT.
  5. We've still got a way to go before we're as good as mediocre.
  6. There's only one winner. There was always going to be only one winner.
  7. Took John Fox two years to take this team from 1-15 to the Super Bowl. Tepper and Rhule would be far more likely to inherit a Super Bowl team and take it to 1-16.
  8. I believe the dude faked the quote attribution, based on responses to the tweet and the different fonts used in the attribution.
  9. Yeah that’s not something he’s said
  10. I agree with this. He's a racist, billionaire-worshipping boomer who strives to receive a pat on the head from Tepper, people at WFNZ and his favorite random people he tags in tweets, like John Feinstein and Matt Doherty.
  11. Probably a fairly significant amount. Now, Fan Fest is two days before the preseason opener. Be interesting to see if any on-field activity besides stretching will take place, tbh.
  12. I stopped listening to FNZ when Jim retired. I like Mac and Bone, but it just wasn't the same without ol' blue.
  13. Wow. Slipping. He didn't even tag Kyle Bailey or a random sports celebrity.
  14. Timeline makes sense. A major executive has to leave every two months or so. I guess Dr. Lunkhead thinks they can't handle the Big Brass Appalooser Victory Balls that Big Tepp swings when he embarrasses himself. @Matt Doherty
  15. Shinn was too stupid to curse anything. Just a redneck version of Tepper.
  16. You know Mark had a good game when this thread is silent as a mouse.
  17. The McNairs are terrible owners. But they're still better than Tepper.
  18. Clearly, 5-12 will save his job, as it does every year.
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