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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Matt Rhule will never go to a Super Bowl as an NFL coach unless he buys a ticket.
  2. And most of the perspective on the Huddle is comparable with the perspective at InsideCarolina.
  3. Guess we'll see if he's cut and not retained, then.
  4. I can guarantee you the head coach feels better about the third-string QB than the first.
  5. Howell would just have a 49.3 rating here, too. probably worse tbh, because he'd throw into coverage like he did last week, since none of the Panthers fourth-string WRs can get any separation in the one-second window the QB has to throw.
  6. How many chances does Rhule need to waste before people realize he sucks? This is the third go, and nothing at all inspires confidence. I guess if you love going 5-12 like Josh Klein, Rhule's your man.
  7. How many non-Cam, non-Lamar QBs can make something happen with two DL in your face one second after the snap, though?
  8. If you ask Rhule, the correct answer is “not enough.”
  9. When you consider his record and the fact he kept getting brought back, it sort of corroborated his story.
  10. Aside from the ones he coached at Temple and Baylor, or who are only in the NFL because of Rhule (PJ Walker, Sam Tecklenburg, etc), what player do we know likes him?
  11. I don’t disagree. But this is Hue Jackson II we’re talking about.
  12. 2018: 1-7 2019: 0-8 2020: 2-6 2021: 1-8 4-29 in the second half of the season since Tepper bought the team, but people think it’ll be different this year lol
  13. Um since Tepper bought the team, the Panthers are playing for draft position the second half of the year
  14. What if the coach admitted to it? https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/hue-jackson-suggests-browns-jimmy-haslam-paid-him-to-tank-during-his-time-with-cleveland/amp/
  15. They said he’s absolutely fired if he loses out last November. Wait and see, man
  16. I went to HS with a guy who was our punter and fullback. He was recruited to a P5 school as a tight end, moved to DL, was all-conference and made it to the NFL as an OL. Dude literally did it all.
  17. I hear you, man. Rhule’s got at least another two years here, even if he goes 0–17.
  18. Will Grier looked good for Dallas, he'd be better than every non-Baker QB we have -- but no Temple commit, no keep
  19. Because most teams aren't smart enough to wait to be good until Year 7. Ask Jay-Z.
  20. Imagine living in the year of our lord 2022 and still carrying water for Rhule lol "BUT CADE MAYS WAS DRAFTED"
  21. My frustration with Rhule stems from the limited practice time and the general feeling that he just didn't want anything to do with developing Corral at any point.
  22. I wasn't referring to the injury being Corral's fault. I was referring to the idea that some seem to believe, that as long as the linemen are draft picks, it's not their fault if they don't protect the QB. Corral played behind a poo OL and got hurt when the defense rushed 4, there were 5 OL in to block, and 3 DL got to him.
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