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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I appreciate your sticking to that joke, but I look forward to it no longer being the case as well.
  2. I like how a few of the bad things he's done "aren't a big deal" and are just swept under the rug. So he's had a terrible record since he bought the team (0 home wins in December and only 23 wins total lol), can't hire worth a damn, alienated both the Carolinas and has no interest in doing anything but scamming people? I mean, those are all minor things, right?
  3. Never understood why @davosis such a devoted DJ Moore hater. Look at what he's done with trash QBs and tell me he's not a WR1.
  4. Cam would be expected to turn around the whole city again. That's unreasonable and he knows it.
  5. "Hey coach, we got rid of our entire offense in McCaffrey and Moore, and we traded our whole pass rush in Burns for a second-round pick we used on a new long snapper, but just think -- Taylor Moton AND Jeremy Chinn, on the same team" "Where do I sign"
  6. Moton has not played up to his contract at all this year and has been a major disappointment. It's amusing how everyone ignores that.
  7. You're vastly overrating people who most of this fanbase want gone. You actually do need to sell a coach on "OK, here are the pieces you have to work with," and Jeremy Chinn and a bunch of USFL players is gonna attract people like Ben McAdoo. Clearly, I can't convince you of that, so you're welcome to continue wishing this team gets rid of its only NFL-caliber players.
  8. I'd like it better if I could believe this team had any ability to draft someone good.
  9. If you trade Moore and Burns, how do you still count them? Moton is washed up, 2 weeks ago people were PRAYING Brown would get traded for a 7th, and people are praying TODAY they get rid of Shaq.
  10. If you dumped 2-3 of the wrong guys, this team would be far, FAR worse than an expansion team. As it is, you've got about four or five NFL players, a decent rookie and a bunch of USFL-caliber rejects.
  11. Best way to sell Sean Payton on coming here is a lousy owner, a GM who can't draft anything but busts, a bunch of Bills fans in Charlotte, and one player (Chinn) who'd start on any other team. Y'all never cease to amaze me.
  12. Not only have opposing fans taken over BoA, Bills fans have taken over the Huddle as well.
  13. Christian McCaffrey and D.J. Moore are the two best players on this team, and they're so much better than everyone else they're probably the top 5 as well. Getting Yetur Gross-Matos and Vernon Butler for them in a trade is not, in fact, the pathway to victory. If you believe it is, it's time you start living here.
  14. That's not what I said. I said "best player." If you think Brian Burns, a washed Taylor Moton, out of position Jeremy Chinn and rookie Ickey Ekwonu are better than Christian McCaffrey, just save me the trouble from now on and let me know you know absolutely nothing.
  15. Yay, CMC for Vernon Butler! Great deal. Y'all just wanna get cucked by the Bills so bad. Must be all the transplants.
  16. This team can't draft worth a poo. Getting an extra first for your best player is worthless.
  17. Tell that to the crowd on here who wants to trade away our only two good offensive players for pennies.
  18. That's like hoping the sun will rise in the east. BUT WON'T LOSE OUT WITH RHULE ANYMORE
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