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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. An incompetent owner will only hire a Rhule twin. Fitterer can’t draft. I get McCaffrey wanted out but you’re not even getting one NFL-caliber player with those picks. And that rookie QB won’t make it to week 1 before he’s on IR. Enjoy.
  2. Enjoy the game Sunday. You feeling better about it?
  3. Go fug yourself. You’re the Matt Rhule of Huddlers. Be proud.
  4. Nothing this team has done —not one thing — has made it better, in four years.
  5. I would say the timing is great for St. Louis, San Antonio, San Diego, London or Toronto.
  6. I’m sure he’ll enjoy 0-17 quite well. No offensive skill position players once they inevitably trade Moore, no defensive backfield and no linebackers. Might score 30 points next season.
  7. Hopefully like 73-0. Tepper needs to move the team.
  8. I look forward to the day Fitterer is fired
  9. How's he gonna go for 100 yards when the offense can't get 100 yards combined, rushing or passing, and the QBs can't complete anything? Y'all are some fuging morons.
  10. lay off the cough syrup for a change
  11. Next year’s team is gonna be worse than an expansion team lol
  12. I hope CMC stays just so Frank has to keep rage-shitting himself every day
  13. Considering how often you post about him, he must be your favorite human. Go touch some grass and try to forget how he hurt you.
  14. Why are they impossible to find here, then? They're a dime a dozen with a good GM. This guy can't draft his way out of a paper bag.
  15. He’s paid very well to get some exercise, make friends and get some airtime as an extra on TV
  16. Need a “Neva Won!” gif for this year
  17. I often forget Gross-Matos is on the team. Not sure what he's done that qualifies as average.
  18. He's one of my favorite part-time NFL players.
  19. And that's not even getting to play against Baker. He'd have 1000.
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