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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I wasn't even talking about him, you piece of poo. Take your fuging obsession with him and me someplace else.
  2. People wanna harass me, they're gonna get it in return.
  3. It'd be nice to see a proper coach here armed with DJ Moore and a competent OC.
  4. Kill yourself. [mod note: this kind of statement will never fly in here. we don't wish harm to anyone, even and especially self-inflicted. don't need that kind of bad stuff in here, especially over something as ultimately dumb as sports of any kind. just not worth it.]
  5. Wonder why that energy isn't reserved for better players, though.
  6. People get upset when I am right. Very upset. Generally, all it takes is to adopt the opposing viewpoint of every homer, and you'll have a hellaciously good batting average.
  7. Since he's already in his third season here and may not want to be part of a rebuild, what teams would be interested in Jeremy Chinn?
  8. Smith was old. Moore is 25. Smith had a bad attitude. Moore doesn't. Aside from their ability to stretch the field and be explosive when given even a third-string-tier QB, they have nothing in common. The obsession with trading every good player has and forever will backfire epically.
  9. I remember when this was said about the Darnold trade.
  10. Finished one game off 0-17, didn't I? Predicted in November 2020 that Rhule would end up as one of the worst coaches in NFL history. Might wanna keep up with the predictions.
  11. He also just signed a contract extension six months ago. He's fuging 25. Are you that enthused about fielding an entire NFL roster comprised of 2022 and 2023 busts? And you think that will somehow be better? I used to dream of winning a SB. Now I dream of winning 7 games. Next year, people will dream of winning one game. Fielding a team of UDFAs and bust draft picks isn't the answer to success, and trading every good player you have is fuging retarded.
  12. Not one player on that roster wants to be here. Not a single one. So trade all 53?
  13. No one can look at this trade, Fort Mill, Eastland, Rhule's contract or any number of moves and not think this team is owned by a guy trying desperately to relocate. Unless, of course, your head is shoved so far up your ass that sunlight is as likely to reach it as the Panthers are to winning nine games in a season. Quite a few morons on here fit that bill quite well.
  14. Why do you not want a 1100-yard WR? Do you live in St. Louis?
  15. That's why Stroud/Young has to be traded next October when the team is 0-7, and averages 64 yards of total offense. Because you're not gonna win with them, so may as well deal them for more draft picks you can use on players you won't win with, so you can trade them for future draft picks to get players you won't win with, and so on and so forth.
  16. DJ Moore is a good player. The Carolina Panthers hate three things: winning, good players, and the dozen or so fans still around. So of course he's gone.. And if so, I'll help the team start packing its bags.
  17. Not gonna win with CJ Stroud, either. So deal him at the deadline next year.
  18. "We weren't going to win with him" is a hell of a way to justify getting rid of every good player you have. Guess since we aren't going to win with any of the players next year, best to deal next April's first right now while it still has value.
  19. People are finally realizing that regardless of today, the Carolina Panthers will never be a good team again. This franchise is destined for a 30-plus-game losing streak and the first 0-17 season ever. Probably two consecutive 0-17 seasons before they move.
  20. Tanking to destroy the last bit of public positive sentiment is great to move the team, which is the end goal anyway. More are seeing the light now.
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