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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. The only problem is he pushes the ball downfield five yards away from his receiver.
  2. I’ve worn a Charles Johnson jersey more than any other.
  3. Let’s also not forget that in two of the three preseason games this year, PJ Walker played with the ones and the twos, completing 41% of his passes. In two of the three preseason games this year, Will Grier played with the twos and the threes, completing 71% of his passes. But he didn’t go to Temple. Matt Rhule is a clown.
  4. I’m just saying between the two, the guy who won. If it were me I’d be starting Minshew.
  5. He beat Walker. Numbers don’t lie.
  6. That’s our first-round pick next year regardless of draft slot.
  7. If it were me, I’d have entered the season with 3 QBs: Minshew via trade, then Grier and a draft pick can fight it out for the backup job (unlike Rhule, I’d pick the one who won)
  8. Huddle in 2019: I hate Ron, all he does is stick with his guys Huddle in 2021: I love Rhule, you have to respect the fact he sticks with his guys
  9. Oh absolutely. Imagine if Grier completed 41% and Walker 71%. He’d be tarred and feathered while Walker would be feted as a better version of Cam Newton. Most of the negative reactions on here are just people with an irrational dislike of Grier based on emotions. Those people tend not to watch football so much as suggest players are better than others with no empirical evidence. So basically, Matt Rhule is your average huddler. No wonder people on here will take a bullet for him.
  10. This is the only qualification required to be a Carolemple Owlther.
  11. Oh, the decision was made last December. Performance doesn’t account for 1% of the evaluation.
  12. This has to be the first time I can recall where a player clearly beat out someone else for the job, but won’t get it solely because of his alma mater.
  13. Rhule will ride with PJ til they’re both on the unemployment line.
  14. Slye seems to be a likable dude. I wish him well and know he’ll get a shot.
  15. If it were me I would absolutely keep 3 QBs given the uncertainty surrounding protocols this season.
  16. Grier did a better job in the preseason, but Rhule plays favorites like no one I’ve ever seen in the NFL (even Rivera). He will cut Grier and make Walker the backup because he went to Temple. And, before the homers try to discredit the first sentence, enjoy this
  17. Grier earned his spot on the 53, but Rhule will cut him because Temple.
  18. Grier looked pretty good. Looking like Santoso is the guy at K now too
  19. Yes but we literally refuse to score points whether it’s the coach or the kicker haha
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