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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Holy poo! We won a game? Guess I need to go on mini-vacations more often. Also, maybe give Chuba the ball more often. Him and CMC are a good combo.
  2. We’re only a week or two from starting PJ the rest of the way. Wonder if the NFL will demote our games to Comedy Central by then.
  3. Owners who tend to acquire players with that skill and coaches with the skill to prepare them for said success tend to do those sorts of things.
  4. This theory that the Panthers go on late winning streaks went out of style YEARS ago. Since David Tepper bought the team, we're 3-21 in the second half of the season.
  5. Rebuilds generally mean you get better as time goes on, not worse.
  6. I think people laugh at it, because it's rooted in blind optimism and denial of reality.
  7. If I had any hope we'd be good again, I'd feel better about it but since I don't, I'll just steadily drift into apathy and focus my interest on other teams and other sports leagues. Football can be a Saturday thing.
  8. Absolutely. poo, I'd enjoy reliving the seven wins of 2018, let alone the playoff years.
  9. Rivera had more wins in 2017 than Rhule will have in his entire NFL career.
  10. It's never going to happen. This team peaked in 2015. We're not even going to have a season as good as 7-10 until the mid-to-late '20s.
  11. This is a stupid argument. Who acquires the players? Rhule. Who coaches the players? Rhule. You're just asking for a 48-game losing streak.
  12. Appreciate the optimism. We are indeed on schedule for the No. 1 overall pick.
  13. You have to work for the Panthers. There's no other way your spin-doctoring makes any sense. So, explain this to me: - we just lost 25-3 to a bottom-five NFL team, but... - our talent level is through the roof and our coach is somehow leading us into contention during a 14-game losing streak. I guess it's just denying reality. See you in Week 17 when we're still "trending up" lmao
  14. The arena was packed with Celtics fans no different than the stadium has a ton of Cowboys fans even when the Panthers were a winning team. There are some franchises with cache that get by with that. As for our stadium experience, anyone who doesn't remember 2001 need only to go to a game anytime this season.
  15. lol YES. I will take 14 straight losses if Rhule, Brady and Darnold hit the road
  16. Since we’re throwing it back to 2010 with 14 losses and a pathetic offense, I say it’s the same score as then: 31-10.
  17. Rhule's definitely trotting out Myles Hartsfield or Shi Smith at QB by Week 17. Dude loves to put people at new positions, because he's every mediocre Madden player's dream: run a team with no concept of how to do it
  18. Video loaded as well as our offense performs
  19. Darnold just mixes part of Clausen with part of Carr. I initially noticed his hesitancy to throw the ball against the Steelers in preseason, and it's an issue which hasn't gotten better. At this point, he is what he is.
  20. And a competent: - head coach - offensive coordinator - offensive line - kicker - punter - you know what, I'm throwing trader Fitty on this list too, the pick-slinging bastard
  21. Oh Christ. No. Matt Moore was better, and that's not saying much. I remember when Sam Darnold was named David Carr.
  22. Clausen also didn't turn the ball over nearly as much. They both fail to score points, though, which is why we can't win when they're out there. Clausen had the benefit of a respectable coach, albeit one who'd mailed it in even more than his players at that point. Darnold has the PJ Walker of coaches.
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