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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. They're gonna just draft more busts, so I would never give up one of four good players to acquire two more Vernon Butlers or Corn Elders.
  2. Unfortunately you're 18 more losses from realizing that dream.
  3. David Tepper is, in many ways, no different from a Huddler. He's a sports fan who turned a fantasy team into the real-life thing. The only problem is that he runs it as such and constantly makes the wrong decisions, but like in fantasy football he faces no real-life blowback for those actions.
  4. Maybe 6-7 guys actually try every week. Probably only 3 or 4 care. This team is so easy to hate. No leadership, no character and nothing deserving of a shred of respect.
  5. That’s not a bad line. I’ve used it before, but to your credit, it’s better than most of the trifling garbage people pass off as creative replies.
  6. Was it trolling when I said Rhule was terrible last year?
  7. I don’t care if they stay or leave. They’re nothing but an embarrassment to the Carolinas. The NFL should contract both 1995 expansion teams.
  8. Y’all are welcome to flame me, just like you did 13 months ago when I said Rhule needed to be fired because he’s a used-car salesman who can’t coach. Slowly but surely, you always arrive at the opinion I had long before.
  9. Tepper bought a mansion just to have it bulldozed.
  10. What besides wishful thinking do you have to disprove it? Where do you get the idea he’s trying to win in Charlotte? Not after 25-30 consecutive losses and no sponsor support.
  11. Tepper is to football what Shinn was to basketball. He’ll never value winning and he’ll always chase the money. Shinn even tried relocating his team out of New Orleans after only seven years, before the NBA wised up 15 years too late and took the franchise from him. They’re both owners who have no qualms with owning gypsy franchises.
  12. Probably St. Louis, unless Portland gives him the better stadium deal.
  13. 1) Destroy the fan base 2) Eliminate any public goodwill 3) Play the victim, ask for stadium funding 4) St, Louis Panthers Don’t let wishful thinking cloud your judgment. The best thing everyone on this forum can do is choose a new NFL team, or abandon professional football altogether.
  14. Yes but relocating the team is his end goal, not a bust draft pick.
  15. This team hasn't scored in the second half in like five weeks or whatever, it'll still be a 23-10 L. The Drive for 24 In A Row continues.
  16. You'll get what you want today, next week and 17 times next year. Plus a minimum of 15 times in 2023.
  17. There's only five ways this can work out: 1) St. Louis Panthers 2) London Panthers 3) San Antonio Panthers 4) Portland Panthers 5) Toronto Panthers
  18. Howell will be the pick to offset ticket sale losses for keeping Rhule.
  19. Wait til he incorporates the 2-Sam system next year, when Sam Darnold starts and plays until he throws a pick, then Sam Howell comes in and plays until he throws a pick, then Darnold comes in until his second pick, then Howell comes in until his second pick. Then the fifth possession begins
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