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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Well, now we have three teams for sports leagues to rig games against.
  2. How do you jinx a team that’s so incompetent that they don’t need bad luck?
  3. Only one thing will keep the Carolina Panthers from picking No. 1 overall in 2023: Rhule trading the pick this year.
  4. 2019 was a bad draft but also not outside the spectrum of Hurney, which is still better than anything Rhule has or will do. Rhule at no point will ever draft a Pro Bowl player for the Panthers.
  5. 2020 and 2021 were even worse. Does that make you feel better?
  6. Because you look reality in the face and deny its existence. 2-12 the last 14 and you love every bit of it. Change your name to Sucker.
  7. There is no winning proposition with Matt Rhule and David Tepper.
  8. OP, schedule this post every mid-February for the next 10-15 years.
  9. Unless the war room is Tepper's living room full of Mai Thais, then no, he's not going to be there. He's not in the war room for all of his investments he lets sit and appreciate. No different here.
  10. Meh, if he leaves Rhule will promote another Baylor or Temple scrub. If he doesn't leave, Rhule still has all the power for the next few years.
  11. Too many people here have a tendency to just believe whatever Rhule and Tepper say, which is precisely what they want you to do -- especially since it's almost always a lie.
  12. Who cares? The NBA is rigged and the Hornets will never be allowed to make the playoffs.
  13. Tepper doesn't care. He makes money either way. Probably hasn't talked to anyone in the FO in months.
  14. Y'all don't get it. The NBA will never let the Hornets succeed. Doesn't matter who plays or coaches. They put their best Tim Donaghy on every Hornets game.
  15. Seven years means seven huge contracts for seven different bad quarterbacks.
  16. What I would do: trade down, not trade away good players What Rhule will do: draft busts, trade away good players What Tepper will do: absolutely nothing What SirPurr will do: Call you out for not blindly supporting abject failure
  17. He played at Temple. He's getting re-signed to a huge deal.
  18. Matt Rhule is wholly incapable of leading this team to even six wins, no matter if you give him three, seven or 50 years to do it.
  19. Matt Rhule will be a God at trading Burns for Jason Peter 2.0 and trading D.J. Moore for Rashad Butler 2.0. Then people will be like "how did we go 0-17? Where did we go wrong?"
  20. Trusting Matt Rhule to trade a Pro Bowl player for a draft pick that Matt Rhule will make and coach? What could possibly go wrong?
  21. I forgot just how good Mills was in '96. An absolute monster.
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