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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. The Charlottest way to Charlotte away a game. They’re officially a David Tepper Team now. Can’t even enjoy a goal bc of the choke.
  2. I imagine a trade call with Fitterer, Rhule and Houston going like this: Texans: So, what are you giving us? Rhule: We'll go 3 first-rounders, 2 second-rounders, McCaffrey, Burns and Chinn Texans (snickering): Well, *brief pause* Fitterer: Fine. Four first-rounders, 3 second-rounders, McCaffrey, Burns, Chinn and Moore? Texans (floored, barely stifling laughter): I mean...are you... Rhule: FINE. FIVE FIRST-ROUNDERS, SIX SECOND-ROUNDERS, SEVEN THIRD-ROUNDERS, EIGHT FOURTH-ROUNDERS, MCCAFFREY, BURNS, CHINN, MOORE AND MOTON. Are we even getting close? Texans: Alright, you talked us into it. Tepper: Mission Accomplished
  3. I stand by it: Tepper trading every good player and a ton of draft picks for Watson is a back door way to move the team. Lowest attendance in modern NFL history incoming.
  4. You don't need a comma after "but" -- just saying. Also, he's just a Darnold Variant.
  5. Also the City of Charlotte will be on the hook for half of Watson's contract.
  6. If Fitterer and Rhule are doing something, chances are it's the dumbest thing they can do at that moment.
  7. An absolute ton of people were thrilled to lock him up in the "Panthers extend Robby Anderson's contract" thread. Didn't say they wanted him over him, but one is related to the other. Less likely to spend money on the better player.
  8. People wanted Robby, you got Robby. Only problem: he sucks
  9. The only thing you can be sure of in a Matt Rhule trade is that he's going to get absolutely terrible value, and draft a future USFL backup with whatever pick(s) he gets in return. Dude treats trades like the second half of games: lays over and gets streamrolled.
  10. It's simply true as hell. McCaffrey's injury last fall was not a season-ending injury, and he was healthy by mid-December the year before. Burns also said they were trying to hold him out and he demanded to play.
  11. The NFL as a whole would do better if the Panthers were contracted.
  12. That's thinking with your heart and not your head. I don't think Rhule gets less than 5 years, even if he enters 2023 on a 24-game losing streak.
  13. To be fair he's missed five games when healthy over the last two years, and Rhule held him out. Tried the same poo with Burns and Burns overruled his ignorant ass.
  14. I wish Tepper and Rhule would get busted for betting on games.
  15. It comes down to this: if Rhule weren't running the team I'd understand it a bit. But if Rhule weren't running the team, there would be no need for it. So it's just retarded, like everything else this shitwreck does.
  16. Adding assets is smart, in theory. Adding assets when Rhule is running the team is retarded. "Y'all" in this case was directed toward any season-ticket or PSL holder.
  17. Or, you let the market decide it and sign a backup tackle from the Lions to a huge multi-year deal and forfeit the comp pick.
  18. But, whatever. This is only one reason I won't go to another Panthers game, nor will I wear Panthers stuff. It's not the top reason by any stretch. You're giving up your best player so Matt Rhule can draft a trash QB or some loser that Rhule recruited in HS. But if y'all are willing to pony up thousands of dollars in PSLs to watch 0-17, hey, go right ahead.
  19. Trading McCaffrey to draft Sam Howell is not the only pathway to 0-17, but it's the quickest pathway.
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