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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. So it's the opposite of "things are worked out and construction is a go." It's actually "nothing is worked out and construction is canceled."
  2. What changed from this report yesterday? https://www.wistv.com/2022/04/12/lets-get-moving-gov-mcmaster-talks-about-pause-new-panthers-headquarters/
  3. But to the point, yes -- when I check my hometown paper, as I do a handful of times a year, I look at the Crime section -- and nearly every single time, at least one longtime classmate is in there. I think there were 14 people in my first-grade class, and of those 14 like 5 have served extended time in jail or prison and two died of overdoses.
  4. I think Valdese, at least downtown, actually looks better than it used to -- but not by a ton. Did you go to Freedom?
  5. Fun fact: it’s been 25 years since a Hornets player (Glen Rice) has had a single-season scoring average higher than Zion’s career scoring average (25.7).
  6. You're missing my point. I was saying that as a response to "if Lawrence went to NE he'd be ROTY."
  7. Oh, but if you're a HOF QB you find ways to win wherever you are. That's why you go top-10 to a bad team.
  8. Fourth winning record in the last 20 seasons. 2010, 2014, 2016 and this year.
  9. I'm not continuing to do anything but point out your considerable hypocrisy in criticizing me and then proceeding to spend countless posts telling me you don't care.
  10. I’d buy low on Zion. His price is in the toilet and if his foot heals you’re cashing in.
  11. I’ve watched F1 since the 1990s. I loathe DTS but it opens up the sport to a new set of eyes, which isn’t bad.
  12. I’d rather have Paolo Banchero at QB than Darnold.
  13. After VT, I felt like Duke or UNC could go a long way or lose in the first round. Duke didn't even make the dance last year and their stronghold on the regular-season title felt more tenuous as the season went on. College basketball is a fickle mistress, and I don't underrate anyone when March rolls around.
  14. By the way, calling out dumbassery for being dumbassery is not "talking trash."
  15. Respectfully, that's BS. Duke was a 2-seed that I felt like probably should've been a 3. I felt like they peaked earlier in the year and after scraping to the ACCCG, was hoping for a regional final appearance and seeing where it went from there. And the UNC fans I know absolutely felt like S16 or E8 were within reach.
  16. At least you admit you hold everyone to one standard and Duke to another.
  17. Judging by the ridiculous comments made in this thread, I'm not sure many in here are qualified to judge what is and isn't "realistic." Objectively, you had two very good teams play a close game and one made a couple more shots than the other. Great. Congrats. Maybe if Carolina fans displayed even a modicum of the sportsmanship they expect from others, people wouldn't think of them as more toxic than Bama football fans.
  18. Nobody's crying or whining. Somebody's beating his chest after his team just choked, though. Wonder who.
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