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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I really hate Fitterer for trading those picks for Henderson last year. Could’ve opened up the draft but Fitterer has to be the Rhule of GMs.
  2. If Sam Howell played for Virginia, no one on this board would have a lick of interest in him.
  3. Peppers was great. Chances of Howell having 1/10 of Peppers’ success: absolute zero
  4. BoA gonna be overrun with UNC jerseys the first couple games, then back to empty once they realize both Sams suck
  5. He wants to wear a suit on the bench in a new city
  6. We've only scored one goal on the road, right? Armour off the corner?
  7. There's more trepidation near the box than I've seen all year. Just a fear of sending one in for some reason, and guys are not going forward when there's space. Also missing some passes on the wings. Definitely some positives in controlling possession, but you need to do something with it.
  8. I like the tactics in midfield, but there's not enough urgency and a complete refusal to send a cross into the box for some reason. Been a while since we put one through off a non-set piece
  9. Shame that good players, a perfectly good stadium, offices and draft picks also had to go.
  10. It's quite simple: Tepper wants to get rid of every single thing that existed before 2018: players, stadium, coaches, team culture, everything. Can't wait for the color and name change. I recall someone saying on here that he was pushing for that a few years ago.
  11. The problem with that line of thinking is that with the new lottery odds, tanking doesn't guarantee you near as much in the NBA as it does in the NFL. Far better to try and compete.
  12. More than anything, doing something else to boost Rhule's college-team BS just represents further proof that Rhule could go 0-51 the next three years and not get fired.
  13. Probably was thanking Rhule for giving him a convincing-enough reason to join the Bills' staff.
  14. Either one will be getting Comeback Player of the Year mentions by Week 3 before being benched by Week 9 as the team loses its last 12 games.
  15. So you're assuming his pettiness is not to the point that he'd make that expenditure. Well, at least there's no precedent...
  16. Nobody is better than Fitterer at trading a quarter for three nickels. It's his preferred strategy.
  17. And then draft Howell to appease the UNC fans, while one of the better QBs becomes a star.
  18. Oh I think the NFL would let him move in a second. They're the ones who steered him to become the owner in the first place.
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