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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. Dude has been a model citizen, when we've been good and when we've been bad.
  2. Rhule is to coaches what Tepper is to owners.
  3. Give me odds Tepper eventually finishes this project in Rock Hill, or anywhere in NC/SC. I’ll lay down some cash that he doesn’t.
  4. A tackling machine like Isiah Simmons hasn't exactly lit the world on fire, either.
  5. You need a space-eating DT so the LBs can bring down running backs closer than 12 yards past the line of scrimmage, though.
  6. I'd like to see Brown bounce back this year and if he's showing offseason commitment, that's a good sign.
  7. Tepper's a shittier version of George Shinn, who could at least field a winning team from scratch. Tepper needed three years to turn a winning team into the biggest laughingstock in professional sports and a constant headline-maker of embarrassment.
  8. Projecting Tepper's inadequacies onto Jordan. How many winning seasons does Bankrupt Billionaire Tepper have as an owner?
  9. Sure he is. He's damn sure not staying here, and you've been scammed into believing otherwise. Also the one who lives in this thread, spewing nonsense, is probably the one who's both uninformed and over-invested emotionally. Got an emoji for that too?
  10. He's never at fault, though, and he's always on the moral high ground. Now he'll consider this quoting him, too.
  11. Oh for sure. A litany of emojis and disinformation is just what I need to understand the concept of a scam artist strategically scamming people.
  12. Billionaire declares bankruptcy to avoid paying people for their work
  13. The Spin Doctor jumps right back in. Tell us how this is actually good, and how bankrupt subsidiaries are a vital part of the Appaloosa Model
  14. The insinuation that our membership is abnormal, by one of our rising star members, continues to put on full display your awe-inspiring negativity!
  15. You're doing such a great job! Keep up the unwarranted judgment! You've got real officer potential.
  16. Per our bylaws, a lifetime membership is extended to any Huddle member with at least 10 combative, self-aggrandizing or passive-aggressive posts in succession. Glad to have you on board with us!
  17. The newest member of the Cult of Negativity has assimilated well!
  18. I'm a happy person who loves to argue. The major difference between you and I is that I own my passion for arguing, and you deny yours.
  19. Congratulations! As vice-chairman of the Cult of Negativity (thousands strong), it is my belief that your above post is negative and passive-aggressive enough to warrant inclusion into the beloved Cult of Negativity. Our membership considers posts like the above as warranting an instant membership, and so we congratulate you once again on joining the largest group on the Huddle! No longer will you need to bash the Cult of Negativity. On this day in the Year of Our Lord 2022, you have hereby been accepted into the brotherhood.
  20. You asked the question and answered it yourself. lol
  21. Seventeen minutes after "find one post where I insult anyone," I don't even have to look. The door opens for me.
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