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Carl Spackler

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Everything posted by Carl Spackler

  1. I don't think Tepper's deference to Rhule is the plus that you're implying it is. If anything, it underscores his ineptitude even more.
  2. You could switch "Snyder" with "Tepper," and this still makes perfect sense. Tepper has absolutely been prone to knee-jerk decisions. All things considered with injuries, Tepper has had a different starting QB take most of the snaps every year he's owned the team. 2018: Cam Newton 2019: Kyle Allen 2020: Teddy Bridgewater 2021: Sam Darnold 2022: Baker Mayfield If anything, he's trained what's left of the fanbase to know not to buy a Mayfield jersey now, to wait until December, when they're $29.99 at Dick's Sporting Goods, and to apply the same approach to Carson Wentz's jersey next year.
  3. Vinny wore 16, as did Weinke and Tony Pike. Stefan LeFors wore 15 in 2005.
  4. You haven't done jack poo aside from proving how ignorant you are, predicting a guy's a bust because he went to Duke, you're a whiny bitch and he hasn't put up 50 and 10 in two meaningless summer league games. Did you call LaMelo a bust when he had 0 points in his first game? Probably not, because he didn't play for Duke, and it didn't trigger one of your two brain cells. I'm not responding to anymore of your bullshit from here, so suck yourself off somewhere else.
  5. You’re a fuging idiot dude. Two games into summer league and you act like you know poo. At least you admitted you’re a whiny UNC fan.
  6. Could’ve been the first team to get 0 passing first downs in 16 games
  7. The rest of the league loves Tepper bc he’s big-pocketed but he knows fug all about building a team. So they get the benefit of cash without the threat of someone competitive.
  8. Glad you chose this time, then. Jalen Duren had a lower FG % and fewer blocks, and barely averaged more points per game despite taking more shots. Offensive Rating: Duren 112.6 Williams 142 Defensive Rating: Duren 91.9 Williams 93.2 Blind as a bat.
  9. I don't hate players because they went to UNC, but you hate guys because they went to Duke. You get a grip
  10. Skip is forgetting something: the owner and coach dress like slobs, and were short-order cooks. Those are the important qualifications.
  11. I noticed that too. He hasn’t quite come to grasp with the QBs’ names yet.
  12. Oh, Wentz is absolutely happening next year.
  13. By the end of the season, he will either be the second-best, or not even top-6.
  14. Rhule will probably carry four quarterbacks before he cuts Walker.
  15. I disagree. "Great" is subjective. Compared to everything they'd had since Bernie Kosar, he came in and was great. Compare it to Brady, Pat Mahomes, etc., he was really good for a while -- more than can be said for Darnold.
  16. Sounds like he'll continue his self-imposed banishment to Hornets threads.
  17. What does Dr. Lunker think of all this? Has he posted a tweet and tagged disgraced former UNC basketball coach Matt Doherty yet?
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