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Happy Panther

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Everything posted by Happy Panther

  1. There are lots of studies out there. The consensus is not clear. Thus it is by definition debatable. Lesson for all you kids out there. If someone makes a statement on the internet without support do your own research. If someone makes a statement on the internet and claims that it is not debatable you can be certain they don't really have any real insight. Same goes for when someone ends a statement with "PERIOD." They are usually full of feces. They are selling you something. But since this not debatable I guess we are done here. I hope you find a great puppy.
  2. http://www.instituteofcaninebiology.org/uploads/1/9/6/9/19691109/purebred_dogs_not_always_at_higher_risk_for_genetic_disorders_study_finds__uc_davis_news__information.pdf
  3. http://www.instituteofcaninebiology.org/uploads/1/9/6/9/19691109/moller_2013_mixed_breed_dogs_are_not_protected_from_breed_disease_heritage__mydogdna.pdf
  4. It’s high but not outside a reasonable range for a reputable breeder. I paid just under $2k for my dog.
  5. He was on here today. It looks like you got scammed but you never know. Dude could be having a personal issue. He did mention he is selling tickets because of a health issue with his mother. But the blocked phone number leads me to scammer. It looks like others bought tickets so maybe ask them if they got the tix. You can either write it off as a lesson learned or do some simple digging. You have a phone number at least. Either way it sucks.
  6. Twitter suggests he is signed today (Igo) and plays Sunday.
  7. That will not help Cam unless he has proof of collusion.
  8. Buckle in tonto. The 0-8 Lions are still in the hunt. We have lots of games left.
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