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Everything posted by Zcustom

  1. Yeah I've seen arguments for and against it. This article says 3-5 hours after your last meal. I don't eat anything after 7pm and get up at 5:15 and workout from 6-7am. That's almost 12 hours. You think it's still ok to go on an empty stomach?
  2. I just expected better results than I'm getting. In fairness I was pretty hobbled for most of the time I've been working out. This week is the first time I've really been able to push myself
  3. Cardio. I'm trying to lose weight and tone. At first I wasn't eating before my workout but a couple of weeks ago I started having a protein bar. I've also tried a handful of almonds.
  4. What's a good pre-workout food? Is there any benefit to working out on an empty stomach?
  5. I'm pleased to say that my knees are almost back to as bad as they normally are. I was able to focus on working my muscles this morning, not just surviving the workout. Good stuff
  6. Despite barely being able to walk this morning I got my workout done. Around 3 this afternoon my knees got really stiff, which I'm taking as a good omen. Hoping for less pain tomorrow
  7. I may need full knee replacement by the end of the week but I'm not going to stop.
  8. Ok huddle family, I'm in the program now help me out. I started working out at the Y last week. Decided to start slow since I am waaay outta shape. Walked 1/2 mile then ran 1/2 mile to warm up then shot some hoops with intermittent full court sprints. Went well for the first few days but by the end of the week I could barely walk my knees hurt so bad (I have bad knees/damaged cartilage). Nothing but water and a couple coffees in the morning. Food intake was good, averaging around 1500 calories per day of good food. This morning I rode the stationary bike for an hour to save my knees and while my knees aren't so sore I didn't feel like it was as good a workout. Here are my questions. Should I be eating before my 6am workout? Currently I'm not eating until I have oatmeal after I get to work at 8. Also, what is a good routine for a beginner like me? I want to get some really effective workouts going. I don't care about bulk just want to be slim flexible and have good stamina. (Bulky muscles are no good for drumming)
  9. I need a vacation

  10. Jesus Christ Skew how hard is it to paste the pic info in the little box with the mountains, like this..
  11. you are the boob master!

  12. It was about time for a new one, and Christina is my second wife....

  13. sorry man! I've been busy and I ran out of ideas

  14. Sorry bro, got busy this morning. It's posted now!!

  15. Yeah, just look up Stirling Bridge (celtic rock www.stirlingbridgeband.com) and The Trip Rogers Band (classic rock covers www.triprogers.com). Both are on FB too, can't get the URL while at work, enjoy!

  16. I know mayne! sallgood

  17. yeah, I always hear it too, I'm like "let fuging do it dammit!" haha. Yeah my wife is a smoker too, she's cool as hell in general :) Maybe we can do a game watching party (obviously not the panthers) before the season is over

  18. I was watching a Chilly Willy cartoon the other day and the Dog had a full barrel of Grog, poo you not
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