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Everything posted by Zcustom

  1. How quickly do you lose muscle mass? I'm seeing a pattern with my weight. On weekends I rest and let myself have one cheat meal. Despite not working out and extra calories I lose 2-3 pounds and then Monday-Wednesday I gain or stay flat. By friday I'll drop 2-3 pounds again. Can my weekend weight loss be lost muscle mass? It would explain why I gain once I get back to working out.
  2. Yeah I haven't posted lately either. Still going strong and still spending too much time in the plateaus. I knew the weight loss would slow down as I got smaller but it's still frustrating. Probably need to find a way to incorporate an evening workout if I want to hit my goal weight by the end of the year. If I can pull it off I will have lost 100 pounds in 7 months. Which sounds a lot more accomplished than it seems in my head
  3. Thanks man. Been a good week so far. Yesterday was weird though. I set new personal bests in my workout, ate great, and had band rehearsal last night which is an extra 2 hours of intense cardio, but had my first day with no weight loss.
  4. Mixing up my routine last week worked pretty well. Down 3.5 lbs last week and finally broke into the 230's. It's been five+ years since the scale said 230 anything. Celebrated with my first real splurge since I started this, a Cookout Milkshake. Now time to have another good week! Gonna try and avoid eating out for lunch this week. We'll see what results I get with that plan.
  5. Cool, I'm hoping for better results this week. Btw, I took your advice and tried a new veggie. Credit to my wife for picking Eggplant and making some Eggplant Parm. That's admittedly not the healthiest dish to make but it was a good start. Hit me with your ideas for quick healthy meals when you get a chance. Thanks!
  6. Well last week was frustrating to say the least but a 1.5 pound loss for the week wasn't horrible. Changed up my workout and adding in some HIIT and we'll see how this week goes. Back at it....
  7. So she's requesting "super cut" Jase and she has a bunch of weight to lose? Huh?
  8. I spent most of my adult life at 185 pounds but I know what you're saying. Thanks man just venting helps. Btw part of my morning routine is shooting hoops, if we ever get huddle jams scheduled you're all in trouble....
  9. Thanks Cat!! Here's what I typically eat on an average day. Breakfast used to be oatmeal, but there's too much refined sugar and I was also not getting enough calories so I switched to an English muffin with natural peanut butter and honey. I snack on either almonds, or peanut butter/oat/flaxseed balls. I do have 2 cups of coffee in the morning but no sugar and just a little creamer which yes I know has sugar. Lunch is usually grilled chicken with salad or a turkey sandwich. I try to get vegetables most days but some days I have chips. Dinner is either baked chicken or a salad, sometimes a lean cuisine meal or a bowl of cereal. I don't snack at night, haven't had a soda since I started working out on May 6th. I'm now getting around 1400-1600 calories per day (was only getting 1100-1300 before I changed my breakfast). I know I'll break through this plateau and keep heading towards my goal weight but it's a relief to talk about it. I purposely am not sharing this with people in my daily life/Facebook to avoid a false sense of accomplishment so being able to vent here is a huge help. You guys rock!
  10. Well since I keep bitching let me provide some context. I tipped the scale at 290 in early January. Since I had always been skinny before my son was born this was devastating. I ate better for a few weeks and lost about 5 pounds. From late January to the end of April I did a little better with my diet and got down to 271, which was my weight when I started working out on May 6th. My initial goal weight was 240, with an ultimate goal of 200. Once I get to 200 I will be more concerned with body composition than weight. Reasonable right? Well, I gave myself 2 months to get to my first goal of 240. 15 pounds per month when you are obese is not too crazy. After the first month I had lost 14 pounds and felt like I could reach my first goal. Second month I lost 12 pounds and weighed 245. Soooo close. Well, since July 4th I have just been stuck. I got as low as 242 this past weekend but after gaining both days this week I'm pushing 245 again. I'm trying to figure out what works for my body and what doesn't so I feel like the daily weigh ins are needed at least until I develop a program that works. I have made many adjustments to my diet and feel like I'm eating well. I had baked chicken and friggin beets for dinner last night. I vary my workouts and get an hour in every day except weekends (although I did workout both days this past weekend). My clothes are falling off me and I am wearing stuff that I haven't in years. I take solace in that but long term I don't want to weigh 240+
  11. Grrr gained again today. Pretty frustrating. This is probably one of the rare times gaining muscle is the reason. Still sucks when you're working towards a goal weight.
  12. Too much. But right now I'm trying to learn what works for my body and what doesn't. I tell my wife I've earned the right to obsess over my weight with how hard I'm working.
  13. Trust me if I can do it anyone can. It did take a couple of years of self loathing before I got off my ass though.
  14. Doubt it but it's possible. As long as I reach my weekly goal it's ok. Still frustrating
  15. Confused Best weekend I've had since I started this. Ate right and even worked out both days, normally I take the weekends off. Yesterday my meals couldn't have been healthier but I get on the scale this morning and I had gained a pound. No comprende
  16. I like working out in the mornings. It is tough but once I got into the routine it got easier. I get up at 5am and I'm at the gym by 5:45 or so. I have started going to bed at 9:30 instead of 10:30 or 11 like I used to. Makes me feel old but it's for a good reason at least.
  17. After two full months I am down a total of 40lbs. Year to date I'm down 45. Got at least another 45 to go but I'm happy with my progress so far. Thanks to everyone in this thread for the support/motivation.
  18. Oh I'm not giving up but I do feel like I've earned the right to bitch about it. I've wondered if I'm not eating enough but I get full at meals and have healthy snacks between meals.
  19. So apparently I've hit a plateau and it sucks donkey balls. Switching up my workout a bit. It's pretty deflating to be doing everything right and not see results.
  20. True. I refuse to miss a workout. Started on May 6th and haven't missed one yet.
  21. I've been pushing myself pretty hard lately and I'm starting to see results. Had a little setback last weekend at my gig. Had free beer the whole time and had a few too many. Good to be back on track
  22. Well after my first month I'm down 20 pounds and enjoying all the quality food I've been eating. Workouts are fun for me now without the knee pain and I'm excited about pushing myself more and dropping more weight. Thanks for the accountability huddle! I'm trying to do this without broadcasting it to my family and friends and this thread is a good outlet.
  23. This week my doc has me limited to 30 minutes but next week I can go back to a full hour like I was doing before I re-injured my meniscus
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