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Everything posted by Zcustom

  1. Have you considered the ymca? I go to the one on Albemarle rd and really enjoy it. They have all the equipment the other gyms have and there's very few meathead types in there.
  2. Ran my first 5k yesterday, the Belk bowl one. Finished in 27:24, not bad for a first time. Also I'm soooo close to getting under 200 I can taste it. Gotta keep pushing...
  3. They're opening a UFC fitness club near the Zaxby's on Sardis rd N. No idea what that's about.
  4. So I was looking at a picture my wife tagged me in on Facebook and it hit me like a ton of bricks.... I have biceps! They're not anything most of you would get excited about but it was pretty cool to see
  5. Thanks man. It's part of my daily routine anymore but yeah it can be tough to get motivated sometimes. I'm still incorporating hoops into my routine, it really helps stretch me out after lifting. If we ever do another huddle jamz you're all doomed.
  6. I've managed to stay on track through Thanksgiving and a birthday dinner. Weight loss is slowing down even more but I can't complain. As of today my weight loss is 82 pounds. It's a little surreal to see that number...
  7. Well damn if my doc can't prescribe vitamin d correctly maybe I shouldn't trust his other findings
  8. Had my annual physical last week. All my numbers are well within the normal range and my fatty liver is gone. Found out I have LOW blood pressure and a severe vitamin D deficiency. My vitamin D was 15, apparently 60 is normal. Doc prescribed 5000mg vitamin D pills and told me to add more salt to my diet. That might explain why I was always worn out when I should have had more energy.
  9. Biscuit is right. Lay off the booze for a while too
  10. Woohoo finally broke through my plateau!! Added some more running to my routine and more weight lifting. Only another 28 pounds to go...
  11. So I can't seem to have it both ways. I refuse to give up beer and game snacks for Panthers games but I always end up pissec off when I get on the scale Monday morning. I had fuging pita chips and hummus as my game food and drank 3 beers and I gained 3 pounds. Oh well looks like extra evening workouts for me this week
  12. If you're moving around ok then you're right there's not much the doctors could do to help. Sorry to hear it, rest up when you can and see how it feels. Hope it gets better soon.
  13. My hamstrings get pretty sore but it fades fairly quick
  14. Body weight? I get more sore from yoga and pilates at home than lifting at the gym.
  15. Started on May 6th. Total loss this year is now 70 pounds. Started at 290 and was 220 this morning. Thanks man everyone in this thread has been really helpful.
  16. Yeah I hope that's the case. I have taken a break from the scale here and there. I'm Wearing a new Polo Shirt today and the letter x appears nowhere on the tag, so I'll take it.
  17. I hit some sort of weight loss wall recently. Stuck between 223 and 227. I incorporated weights into my workout about 3 weeks ago so I'm not too concerned about the weight plateau but I expect to see some good losses soon. GGotta be at 200 by end of the year to reach my goal.
  18. Yeah I guess. My legs have alwas been crazy muscular though. I have John Kasay legs. You back to pre-vacation form yet?
  19. For all my weight struggles my legs are starting to look cut. I'll take it
  20. I agree but I still need to understand what makes my body tick, and I haven't just yet. Once I feel good about that I'll cut back on the scale.
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