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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Yeah, in a complete slopfest of a game, let's take a 99.9% chance of victory and try and score a TD instead.
  2. fug it. We hurt their playoff chances. fug em.
  3. Classic idiot fan. More upset they weren't right than happy their team just won in a way they didn't like.
  4. We have the dumbest fans in NFL history. Read the last two pages and see it.
  5. No this is self awareness. Ya'll are fuging retarded.
  6. This is the smartest any of these fuging retarded coaches have been all year.
  8. Literally just kneel the ball here. Don't fug this up.
  9. Dalton is 1000x the QB as Darnold. Could have done that all year.
  10. If we run the ball here and kick a FG, this will be a W. INB4 Thomas Brown empty backfield sack/fumble.
  11. Nope. Nope. Stop that poo, Thomas. Chill and run the ball.
  12. RUN THE fuging BALL ON 3RD DO NOT LINE UP empty
  13. Amazing catch considering how horrible he is as a WR. Routine catch for a mediocre WR guy.
  14. We will never know but I am telling you we would still be a top 5 draft pick even with 100% Dalton starting this year. This is an extremely talent deficient offense and an even worse coached.
  15. Honestly, probably not. Dalton played. He had 300+ yards. We lost.
  16. They are stupid for drafting a RB top 10 anyway.
  17. Damn. This is the GWD if we don't keep them from a FG.
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