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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. It's funny to watch Burns literally just give up after his first move doesn't work.
  2. Same thing. We defend passes caught better than any offense in the NFL.
  3. Not giving up on him but he's likely to have to take a pretty small contract after his rookie deal is up.
  4. Idiot. Wake up. You are drooling on your keyboard during this dream.
  5. Most of the time. The fact he has been on ice while we have almost zero dynamic players is bananas.
  6. Missing that extra point is a big deal. We average about 14 ppg.
  7. Yeah there is no comparison in the talent levels. Alabama never faced a team it didn't have more talent than(overall). We are bottom 2-3 in the NFL in overall roster talent.
  8. Yeah, Jackson was playing well last week Jensen has consistently been dookie.
  9. Well his footwork is terrible. It has continually gotten worse as the signs of David Carr Battered QB Syndrome increase. That is a correctable thing but not with the current staff. Being mentally broken isn't fixable.
  10. I will maintain that Shelton had better vision that Sanders. Same skill level.
  11. There is literally zero reason for Sanders to ever see the field as a Panther. He is the worst RB in franchise history.
  12. I was looking at the overall stats and it is very stark how much worse that 2010 team was than this. TBH, this isn't even a discussion. 2010 may be extremely difficult to ever eclipse.
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