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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. If Brian was angling for a top 10 deal, he has thoroughly and completely played his way out of it. I wouldn't even be comfortable with the 23 mil deal that we offered him. Just tag and trade for whatever you can get. If nothing, just let him go.
  2. IDC about the scheme as long as we are effective. This season our defense has been very good(not so much this game), so I have minimal issues with them. Certainly could use some upgrades on personnel but not upset at that side of the ball at all. Our offense needs a heavy overhaul or at least some fuging identity. I know it was better today but it still has to get far better this offseason.
  3. All these games are turning into ass whippings except the Cowgirls/Dolphins
  4. Probably a mixed bag, TBH. We can't underestimate Green Bay's contributions. Maybe this propels us to a couple more wins before season end.
  5. I will say that is the most open our pass catchers have been all season. It was nice to finally see.
  6. Ya'll need to chill on the kicker poo. How quickly you forget how bad a period we just left in kicker purgatory.
  7. Not really that relevant on a 2 pt conversion. If he doesn't hold it is a sack. Same difference.
  8. Bruh....you seen these clowns today??? Don't put that evil on us.
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