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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Love watching him fail on the big stage after all this dumbshit media blowfest.
  2. Boy this thread got vacated by a certain troll rather quickly....
  3. People forget that Shanahan is just 15 games above .500 in 7 years.
  4. I mean, I do but most of them were legit in preseason. I still consider Sanders worse.
  5. Foster was much better. Shelton had better vision that Sanders and cost nickels in comparison.
  6. There is no question he is the worst RB in Panthers history.
  7. Lol. You don't think I wouldn't make a bet in my favor?
  8. Sure. I'll put 1000 on not winning the Super Bowl. You in?
  9. Niners are built on shaky foundation. That being a game managing QB.
  10. I almost took the dog on every game today. fuged that up.
  11. Back to back franchise altering mistakes at DE. In typical Tepper fashion.
  12. To think we kept Burns instead of Reddick....
  13. The interior of our OL would immediately get blown back 8 yards.
  14. Again, I am not sure you are tracking. We would blink. There is zero sense in us not blinking if he doesn't sign. By that I mean he would be gone by the 2024 season trade deadline. The idea of us just making him sit out for two years and not moving him is franchise suicide. It basically makes us free agent poison.
  15. I don't think you are tracking. If he doesn't sign, we will trade him. AKA sign and trade(the franchise tender). He has plenty of money, it's very simple to just hold out. We however cannot afford to play some strange dick measuring contest and not get any compensation.
  16. QB is not comparable to playing an actual position in the NFL.
  17. 100%. He will be a pass rush specialist for another 6-8 years in the NFL. Likely as a journeyman that bounces around after his next deal.
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