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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I mean....there are only a few Huddlers here dumb enough to try and argue that.
  2. Well, well, well.... The SaM dArNoLd, BrOcK PuRdY and cMc queefs all felled in one decisive blow. I did point out that the 49ers were 2-2 versus the AFC this year.....
  3. Lol. Aikman parroting Tepper with the "PG" quote.
  4. You must have me confused with your mirror.
  5. Uh. No. You can blow them all you want but I am an actual Panthers fan, not a college fan in NFL clothing. So fug the 49ers.
  6. Same as so many overrated media clowns before him. It eventually get old. The sad part is that it shouldn't be that way but the media hype machine creates a lot of this BS. Plus, again, 49ers = former divisional rivals. They can suck all the dicks.
  7. Ravens are a better team. 49ers just have a crazy amount of offensive weapons. But, being led by a middle of the road QB doesn't help.
  8. Should have bet those three unders. Easy money.
  9. Love watching him fail on the big stage after all this dumbshit media blowfest.
  10. Boy this thread got vacated by a certain troll rather quickly....
  11. People forget that Shanahan is just 15 games above .500 in 7 years.
  12. I mean, I do but most of them were legit in preseason. I still consider Sanders worse.
  13. Foster was much better. Shelton had better vision that Sanders and cost nickels in comparison.
  14. There is no question he is the worst RB in Panthers history.
  15. Lol. You don't think I wouldn't make a bet in my favor?
  16. Sure. I'll put 1000 on not winning the Super Bowl. You in?
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