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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Well the same dude missed both calls so that guy was just blind as bat.
  2. No, that's one that very commonly gets called. Picks they suck at but that was textbook. I am assume the line judge there was chasing butterflies or something. IDK how you could miss two insanely obvious calls inside 3 seconds.
  3. It's also EXTREMELY obvious OPI. 0-2 on that for the refs.
  4. If you look at his situation, he has a bubble of yes/hype men that have been around him his entire NFL career. I don't think there is much room for introspection. He probably has no idea he is hated like this.
  5. Highly unlikely. He has actually been very successful by UNC standards and all the old monied boosters will prop him up until he starts losing.
  6. No. He is one of those always positive guys that probably would get on your nerves. He is just gonna say some poo about "God's will" and then go on to fleece some other team.
  7. This would actually be a blowout but WVa is damned and determined to blow off both feet with these shots. Insanely sloppy.
  8. Well the previous regime let him dictate to the team how things were going to be. Hence why he had teammates pissed at him. Literally was a complete diva. I am not sure Payton is done with him. We will see this offseason. I just don't see them being able to get rid of him unless they find a willing trade partner.
  9. This makes sense. You are a Twit. Carry on being a moron. Got the answer I needed.
  10. This is an insanely bad move. I cannot fathom the sense in this. I'd rather see Perets get shelled for one game than see Raanta get shelled for more.
  11. Are you just trying to set a record for bad takes in a single thread?
  12. I looked it up. That was a 2023 1st and a 2024 second. I thought it was the othrt way around for some reason.
  13. Okay, so he has some nasty injury clause in that contract. And the Broncos are all but eliminated from the playoffs.
  14. The cap situation they have is very difficult. It's much tougher to navigate. To be honest, they probably need to consider extending Russell to alleviate some of the financial stress.
  15. Taking doesn't really help them much. They don't have a 1st round pick
  16. If he is on the roster in March of 2024, 100% of his 2025 salary is fully guaranteed. They would also need to clear out almost all remaining talent on the roster to get under the cap.
  17. I am going to root for the Pats in the last two games. I want them to fug themselves out of a new QB in the draft.
  18. They would be something like $68 million over the cap by cutting him. They are projected already to be almost $19 mil over the cap in 2024. The best thing they can probably do is basically trade him away and keep a substantial amount of his salary. That is the only near term option. Outside of that, wait until 2025/2026 to cut him.
  19. Not unless they want to cap hell for a while. The first semi-reasonable out they have is after 2024. If they cut him prior to Mar. 21st of 2024, the 2025 guaranteed money goes away(it is the full 2025 salary, BTW). But they would have $85 mil in dead money.
  20. I wish the Broncos the worst and only the worst. I hope they don't see the playoffs for more than a decade.
  21. It's deep WR class so I expect us to pass on drafting one or wait until the last pick. If there is one thing that Fitt has made clear, a strong group in a class will not be a consideration for taking someone from it.
  22. I was suspicious at the price we got him from the Ravens. He's a scheme specific guy and he is an average center at best.
  23. His first two games he played mad(about the contract) and then he has literally disappeared. It's bananas.
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