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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Well, according to the experts, those loose fitting surgical masks are pretty much a joke. The biggest benefit they could possibly have is being used by a sick person to mildly contain all their hacking and coughing.
  2. Yeah, I mean, you have to look at it pragmatically. The odds of you dying are pretty low, even the odds of you contracting it are probably fairly low. In a month or two this will mostly be a distant memory. We Americans will go back to our lives, never invest in more research or preparedness and then we will be back here again in 5-20 years with another pandemic, running around like a chicken with our heads cut off the same way we are now. If there is one thing you can count on, it's that people never really learn from anything! Have a nice day!
  3. http://podcasts.joerogan.net/podcasts/michael-osterholm Here is a good interview with Michael Osterholm, the director for the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Pretty good info. Opened my eyes to how well it spreads and also discusses some historical policy failures that have left so many unprepared.
  4. Actually, let me give a bunch of these, since most people are dumb enough to get their news through social media or TV media. https://www.nih.gov/health-information/coronavirus https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/global-research-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov https://www.biomedcentral.com/collections/Coronavirus https://www.thelancet.com/coronavirus https://www.elsevier.com/connect/coronavirus-information-center https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/coronavirus
  5. https://www.nejm.org/coronavirus Here is a very good non-retarded source for coronavirus information for those that are looking for one. It has mostly sources that actually know something.
  6. I think this virus has exposed how much dumber people are than I expected.
  7. Well we are also in regular flu season still.
  8. I mean....that is just 36 people in a state of 10.4 mil. I wouldn't say that is panic mode yet. Of course, given how far we are behind in testing compared to prepared countries, the number is likely far, far, far higher.
  9. Damn. That is horrible dude.
  10. Three of the four were asymptomatic, according to ESPN.
  11. TBH, it is probably not a bad idea. The media is going completely nuts and stirring people up into a panic. The numbers are basically useless to regular people, other than highlighting areas to avoid traveling.
  12. https://www.startalkradio.net/show/understanding-the-coronavirus-covid-19/ This might help some of the people that are losing their minds.
  13. Since I am on pet peeves, don't wipe your goddamn nose with your bare hands or your fuging shirt sleeve(unless there is literally no other option). Even if you wipe/blow your nose with a tissues, wash the motherfugers afterwards. It doesn't take that much effort to do that. If there isn't a sink, use some damn hand sanitizer. And if you are leaving a public restroom that has a handle on the inside of the door(already a major fail), use a paper towel in your hand to open the damn door. It doesn't take any extra effort to do this if paper towels are available. For me, even if that is not an option, I will open the door with one finger of my non-dominant hand. It's just simple poo like that you can do every day that will generally limit your exposure to common bugs.
  14. Yeah, it's a lot of FUD being spread. It's easy to be reasonable and live a relatively normal existence. Common sense is about a 4% trait in modern America.
  15. You want him to go roaming in public instead? Unless you have other high risk people at the house, it's fine. It's like being in the house with people that have the flu. Stay the hell away from them and sanitize their poo. I grew up in a household with 7 people and bouts of the flu meant the carrier got relatively confined to an area and everything got sanitized. It does actually work.
  16. Oh and for the coughing/sneezing folks out there, don't cough/sneeze into your damn hands. Cover your mouth with your shirt/sweater/etc or sneeze/cough into the crook of your arm. Don't spray germs all over your damn hands. I see people do this all the time all year around and it drives me nuts. That is exactly how you spread illnesses.
  17. Get tested. If your symptoms become serious or you are in the high risk demographics, then it is a big concern. If you opt to just not get tested, stay home until you are better and sanitize your household after you do get done. No reason to spread it around unnecessarily. If you must go out, take extreme precautions that you are not hacking and coughing everywhere or at least have the common courtesy to put some gloves on until you get back to your house.
  18. Drive through only seems like a reasonable compromise.
  19. Exactly. This is a serious concern and warrants serious considerations. It is not the zombie apocalypse. We have a big chunk of people that need to chill the fug out and also a chunk of people that need to quit being stupid and take the appropriate measures.
  20. Infants are not at high risk. 0-9 is one of the lowest mortality groups according to preliminary statistics. People are certainly dying, the same way they do with other viruses. Luckily this virus has a low mortality rate for most age demographics.
  21. We will see. We are the least prepared for that sort of situation, to be completely honest. Much less prepared than we were for this virus.
  22. The world isn't ending. It's just "worse flu." Unless you are 55+ or are in poor health, you should not have grave concerns, just concerns. Be cautious, be reasonable and the walls will not evaporate around you.
  23. Well, hopefully we will just not see a mass quarantine and that calamity can be avoided entirely.
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