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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. The Shinn and Jordan eras are far apart in terms of success.
  2. Burns = 6 yrs, $32 mil/yr Brown = Not extended and leaves after next season.
  3. He should be moved to guard if there is a better option at LT available. But, he is just one piece in an OL that needs a complete overhaul. It isn’t like some of us haven't been harping on the OL for several seasons...... Fitterer is ultimately to blame. He keeps acquiring OL that are scheme specific and perplexingly, never the scheme we run. The biggest concern I have is the complete regression by almost every OL not named Taylor Moton. If that doesn’t change this offseason cycle, we are doomed to watching another 60+ sacks allowed campaign and Bryce poop his pants for another season.
  4. No, no.....go for more. $20 billion bruh. 75k he could accidentally drop when he bends over.
  5. Most billionaires don't get there by being good people.
  6. Exactly. The analytics aren't the problem, it's the mouth breathing morons looking at the data and interpreting it in completely stupid ways. That is when analytics doesn't work.
  7. That's not the way that works. The history of owners who didn’t care about the team but the value of the franchise/money, it's really, really, really bad. A dumb active owner is bad enough, you don’t want an owner who doesn't care and doesn't want to spend money.
  8. I mean ESPN, CBS, FOX, etc. I want to see them actually cover it on air.
  9. No, no he wouldn’t. He was a horrifying NBA owner. Probably the worst in the NBA for most of his time. He would be worse because he wouldn’t even care if we were losing, just like he didn’t with the Hornets. He never cared a single bit.
  10. Well they would have been immediately fired if they did comment. Keep up the pressure media. Let's see if these cucks with NFL TV contracts say anything.
  11. Well, I have been sounded the "Browns" alarm in here for a while now. I looked at that side by side and it was fuging scary. Because at that point, we had already had more starting QB's, a lower win percentage and less playoff appearances than the early part of the 1999-2017 Browns debacle era. Since then.....it's getting worse for us.
  12. 100%. Just as long as Michael Jordan isn’t the new owner.
  13. That's too many revisions in the past. What if Slater, what if trade up for Herbert, what if Surtain......too many blunders to list. No telling what our situation would be if we get those right. Honestly, probably would still suck. Terrible coaches, terrible owner. It all ends up the same. Think about the Browns and Bengals with years of top 10 picks that ended up being studs elsewhere in the league amongst all the other busts. That's what we are headed for. NFL talent farm franchise.
  14. I mean, why even bring up Fitterer blunders? They are as plentiful as blades of grass. Now tell me about his home runs. Those are the precious rarities. But....watch him still be GM on opening day of 2024....mark my words....
  15. You know, if I have my choice....I'd rather have Brycs than Fields. At least the bust is obvious and you just move on(Josh Rosen) versus Fields that just gives you a few more glimpses that keeps giving you false hope cling to. That relationship lasts longer and ends uglier. Same results....still need a QB.
  16. DJ has put up 4 1000+ yd seasons in 6 years and has never had anything but bottom 5 NFL starting QB's throw to him(outside his rookie season with a soon to be dead armed Cam). What more do people want? He can't throw the ball to himself.
  17. So did Reddick. So did Norman. So did Steve Smith. But instead we will give a contract to guys like Robby Anderson, Sean Gilbert, etc. Or hold players hostage that openly want to leave like Peppers. It's a Panthers tradition.
  18. I mean, they are barely above his previous career highs(roughly 100 yds, 1 TD, and 1 less reception). Also, he has had a massive portion of his overall production in 6 of 16 games. And consider how little above his previous career highs he is(this is the 16th game so that is an apples to apples comparison) compared to how bad his QB's were in Carolina. So....that makes Fields about equivalent to those bums. Put him with someone like Mahomes and watch what happens.
  19. Good. Let them stir the pot. This is one of the very few cases where I want to see an out of proportion media storm. He has royally fuged the fans with a bloody AIDS dick for 5 years. Let him get some for a change.
  20. That's not passionate, it's retarded. If you get clowned so badly in sports smack talk that you throw a drink on someone, you are a childish little bitch. I LOVE talking poo about sports. I never had to resort to basically publicly taking an "L" like he did. He got owned by a fuging JAGS fan.
  21. I don’t doubt that the league wants him but there may be some flack from some owners about him having stakes on both sides of the fence.
  22. You want me to mail you a cross to tack yourself up on, poor lil victim you? Might want to call Huddle security to help you out.
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