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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. People still nut hugging Darnold is bananas.
  2. So, basically, he is done here.
  3. QB is the least of our worries. If we can't get the owner to be hands off, we are looking at 10-15 years of suffering.
  4. Oh we have a choice. There is free agency, there was/is a better QB on the roster, there is an unbelievable 2nd round QB class.... We have plenty of choices. The problem is that the dumbass owner we have is too stupid to do anything else.
  5. I mean, we have no option. This idiot of an owner is going to stay this course for at least another season out of stupidity and arrogance.
  6. This is the same thing said about just about all bust QB's. There were barely any flashes at all. Not enough to matter, for sure. Mostly what he showed is horrible footwork, lack of arm strength and a severe case of David Carr Battered QB syndrome.
  7. Was a Bryce guy through and through. That was my guy. No question about him being a bust. So incredibly obvious.
  8. They do this to save teams from working their players to death in the regular season. 5 Min OT and then SO is ideal. There have been some seasons we crush at the SO, so no complaints about the system. It's just us that has to get better.
  9. It was the worst opponent we had faced all playoffs. By a MASSIVE margin. Only our coaching staff could have poo the bed that horribly. I almost dropped about $25k going to watch that game live. Thankfully I didn't, otherwise I would likely still be incarcerated in a California prison.
  10. If he can bring their GM with him, sure. The Steelers have an embarrassment of talent. Tomlin isn't going to easily be able to polish the pile of turds we currently have. Make no mistake, this is the most difficult rebuild in the NFL. Even if we had someone of Tomlin's caliber AND had their FO, it would take a few seasons to turn this around. That's the thing people are really gonna struggle the most with, watching us have to rebuild all this from the ruins that Fitterer and Tepper have created.
  11. I swear to God the flight Wi-Fi cut out with 13:44 left in the game. I landed and we had beat the fug out of them. Dafuq
  12. Maybe drag them deep and give them a taste of their own medicine? fug that. Zero points for them. 2 goals in the 3rd.
  13. I doubt the 2nd one will. Not much he could do about that. Two free skaters on that side.
  14. I want to destroy the Caps. Hate them in general and especially for that pussy ass move against us last game.
  15. I passed. Glad my reign as PSL owner was short. I would maybe consider it again if we get a new franchise or new owner at some point. Outside that....nah.
  16. I would be interested in that, oddly enough. That would be fun to see him get dunked on that hard and have players blow up at him. He'd scurry off the field like the little bitch he is.
  17. He'd die huffing leaded gasoline in a Western NC trailer park within a week.
  18. It might be more comforting to have them dock us a pick. That will save us another bust. But, then Fitt would just make some other horrible FA signing instead.
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