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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Motherfuger. Wasting this great game by Raanta
  2. I will say Jarry has been a goddamn wall. We have been getting hella Grade A chances.
  3. Raanta really having a nice game.
  4. That is the price of having the crazy talent we do. Can't afford everyone.
  5. No slight to Raanta. He is just a headcase. We have seen him be elite and unfortunately this season he has also been the worst goaltender in recent NHL history. We just have to hope he gets hot until the more dependable options are back.
  6. Raanta is never going to be great, so we just need him to catch fire long enough to get Kochetkov and hopefully Anderson back. Obviously we need Raanta to be the #3 goalie.
  7. Lol. You know we are one season removed from Sam Darnold, right? That was by far and is still the most insane sell job I have ever seen on this fanbase. Some of these idiots still think he is an NFL QB.
  8. Aight. I am done here. Time to watch hockey. Zero chance I am signing up for Peasizedcock for a couple of playoff games. Nice try NBC. Enjoy the advertisers basically telling you to not do that again next season.
  9. Well we didn’t have many muddy pockets. They were largely fluid maybe even gas.
  10. Take some solance in the fact that Stroud would have been ruined here too. The Texans are leaps and bounds a better organization than we are. At best, we would have just lived to see Stroud's career derailed by injuries or him be a star elsewhere.
  11. Noodle armed guys can succeed in the NFL but they are very situation dependent. Bryce isn't a true noodle arm, but he is a bottom 25% arm in the currenf starter pool. Turns out all that "super processor" BS that was sold was a false bill of goods. That didn’t make up for anything.
  12. Even without the physical differences, Stroud is such a more sound QB mechanically. Who would have thought after 1 season we would be saying that? Bryce is the biggest draft blunder in franchise history
  13. Bryce was already showing signs of David Carr Battered QB Syndrome. Not sure I have ever seen a rookie QB recover from that. I do think had he landed in the right spot he might have been a mid-level NFL starter. I don’t think he will anymore. I am pushing all in on complete bust.
  14. Damn....Slowik does look like Powder though....
  15. Oh this is 100% going to happen. I think we blow this GM and HC search even worse than the last time.
  16. Well thia D does get dunked on in away games. They are living up to that.
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