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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. In the CB's versus WR's battles, do you feel like we are as good of a unit as last year in the WR ranks? Who is standing out the most at CB and WR? Doesn't necessarily have to be the new players, just who are the stand out guys overall.
  2. I don't think we are reinventing the wheel. You have to keep in mind most of these guys haven't been around the NFL much.
  3. And his stats say that he doesn't really make good decisions from a clean pocket. The best way to attempt to fix that is rep after rep in that situation. He needs to be forced to go through progressions over and over and over. That way we can hopefully coach him on the right and wrong decisions he is making. As much hate as we piled on Teddy, he was very capable of finding guys open quickly. It's just that it typically was someone within 5 yards of the line of scrimmage.
  4. Yeah, people too easily forget that Darnold has never been healthy enough for a full slate of games either. The fate of that OL shuffling is going to impact how much we see Darnold, even outside his play.
  5. Hard no on that. Taking dumb penalties is not smart. Especially when you get a rep as a dirty player.
  6. Male cheerleader getting R. Kelly'ed?
  7. 100% against male cheerleaders unless they all wear the same uniforms. That's equality. Plus.....
  8. If that doesn't get your wiener hard, call the goddamn doc and get some Cialis.
  9. I am gonna be straight honest, it kind of seems like the staff/FO has no idea what they wanted from Christensen when they drafted him. That's kind of concerning for a third round draft pick. Hopefully this is all unwarranted worrying but I am not exactly out at ease by every few weeks the word from the team being that Brady is a different position(LT, OG, RT). Unless this is some long con that always had us letting Moton go and Brady was going to be our RT no matter what. If so.....bravo. Well played.
  10. Yeah. Some of this stuff I think we are just gonna have to see during the live fire. As inexperienced as our coaches are and our players are, that's really the only way we are going to know and they are going to learn.
  11. I would be stunned if we sign another QB around cut time(barring injury to any of our current ones). That doesn't really make much of an impact for a potential #2 or #3 QB. I think the plan is Darnold or bust. If he sucks or gets injured, we lose games with PJ and Grier and then maybe we get a better shot at our next QB or some other elite prospect. There is no real good reason to go dumpster diving at QB during the post camp cuts(barring injury to our current ones). You aren't likely to get a guy substantially better and you are also getting getting a guy that has no time in your system.
  12. People just don't use critical thinking often, especially fans. Darnold is a proven bust QB that we are trying to unfug from being in a fuged up situation. These rookie QB's or unproven players like Tua are just raw material that isn't final form. Could be the Michelangelo, could be a turd, could be somewhere in between. And all that isn't even accounting for the factors that are hard to surmise. Nature/nurture? Are they not successful because they don't have things around them or are the situations around then not successful BECAUSE of them? What part of that scale do they fall on? It takes years to answer that question, sometimes. Even then it might not be completely clear.
  13. I mean, if I was in Horn's shape and a fat dude questioned my cardio, I would probably be annoyed too.
  14. Absolutely not. That is prime Hurney thinking.
  15. I bet I can name 10 Huddlers in less than 10 seconds who couldn't name more than 10 players despite being "super fans."
  16. I think fluff is what you have to kind of expect from the team. They aren't going to put out stuff that is going to seed discord amongst the fans nor things that will give a lot away to opponents. Fluff should really be the expectation.
  17. I'd be pretty concerned if he didn't have that attitude as a professional.
  18. I am quite sure I wouldn't be able to name more than about 10 numbers from memory.
  19. I think somewhere in the $17-20 mil a year range. You gotta remember that salaries are due to make a big jump with the new TV deal so what may look like crazy money next offseason(or even this offseason if we are lucky), may not look like that much in 2023, 2024, etc.
  20. STO and Cannon. Should have remembered those. Franklin too. That name just popped in my head. I knew I was missing a safety or two.
  21. Nor should you. The Huddle obesses over way too many inconsequential players.
  22. I'll actually try this: QB: Darnold, Walker, Grier RB: CMC, Chubba Hubbard, Bonnafon? FB: Some UDFA kid? TE: Tremble, Arnold, Thomas WR: DJ, Robby, Shi Smith, David Moore?, the LSU kid who's name is on the tip of my tongue, a couple of JAGS from last season OL: Irving, Elflein, Daley, Little, Moton, Paradis, Moore, Brown, Christensen, Miller, K/P/LS: Slye, fug I forget the punters name now, JJ Jansen, the 6th round kid from Bama DE/EDGE: Burns, YGM, Haynes, Reddick, DT: Brown, Jones, Fox, Roy, Nixon, some other rookie DT I am forgetting LB: Miller, Shaq, Perryman, the UNC kid S: Chinn, Burris, CB: Horn, Jackson, Bouye, Taylor, Pride So, 42. A little less than I thought but about 5-6 I am just seeing faces and not remembering names.
  23. Almost none of the camp body signings. Probably a large percentage of the top 50-60.
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