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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Oh, he was fresh. He just choked. I think it should be a 50/50 all season. This allows Freddie to stay healthy and it gives Kochetkov tons of reps. The future is Koochie Mane, IMO. His ceiling is very high and I think he has the ability to rise to the occasion.
  2. Remember Freddie played barely any of the season. Less than 20% of the overall goalie starts.
  3. Houston is not what I would call a "gaudy metropolis." There is only one area in Texas that fits that description and it's Dallas/Forth Worth. Houston is quite a bit dingier/dirtier by comparison, IMO. Also, Houston has a VERY large footprint and so despite being a significantly larger city than CLT it typically doesn't feel more densely populated than CLT in the downtown area(sometimes it feels less so on foot). In general it's not a fair comparison because Houston metro is about 2.5 times the size of Charlotte metro. It doesn't take much in terms of support there to keep a team afloat.
  4. Also, side note, Ass Goaltending sounds like a gay prison porno.
  5. Sticking with Freddie was a mistake but Kochetkov didn't exactly light it up either. Next year it needs to be a 50/50 split, that includes the playoffs if it isn't clear who the stud is.
  6. As someone who has been to most metropolitan areas of this country, your description of Houston is pretty strange.
  7. Bobrovsky has actually seen his save percentage drop from the regular season. His GAA has improved, however.
  8. fug FL. Hopefully Edmonton wins. Funny that two of the least statistically impressive goalies during the playoffs are going to be facing off.
  9. Pretty sure that's Jonny Bones Jones.
  10. Yeah but it happens every year. I would be surprised if 4-5 of the top six QB's in this draft aren't busts and also get a lot of early PT. It's the nature of the beast. Guys that get the luxury of sitting are usually in the second half of the 1st round or lower. The wild outlier is probably going to be Penix from this draft.
  11. I mean, at this point who is seeing what our franchise is on just about any move? Matt Millen?
  12. The politics of football rosters is well known. You just can't trade what they did for him and sit him. That can't happen. The was guaranteed(barring injury) the instant that trade was made. No matter who we had drafted, they were the starter.
  13. Yes but this was in the face of a supposed rejuvenation of Denver under Payton. That has not been the case at all. If anything, they are a marginally better shitshow than they were under the previous guy. I wouldn't put a lot into their improvement simply because the best part of that franchise came to us. New England will almost certainly be terrible. That franchise isn't more more talent stocked(or rather bereft) than ours. It's been mismanaged for about as many years. If they have a good rookie QB, that COULD turn fortunes quickly but it could just as easilu torpedo his career as he is put in a bad scenario and doesn't develop at all. I am not saying we will or won't be "better" but I don't think the amount of "better" that any of these teams are going to be is anything other than the difference between sinking and floating turds.
  14. I mean of those three(BY, Nix, Maye) he is unquestionably the most talented. But, he is also extremely raw and very, very unpolished. Ideally, he sits in NE, they are patient and don't ruin him. That's the big problem with a relatively unpolished QB talent, it's always dangling on the precipice of disaster if the situation isn't right or the development isn't right. Now, if he is a true superstar, throw that all out the window. Not saying development might not matter but he will be the type of guy that is self motivated and driven enough to get it done. I think he seems more in the former category than the latter but often the cues for those in the latter category aren't immediately obvious to the general public.
  15. We just get cute at such bad times. Or we tend to draft on need rather than BPA. Most of the draft mistakes, we fuging make. Our last draft is littered with that. Pick one, trade up to get a guy that is far from a sure thing. Moderately high ceiling but ultimately project player. Which....what was the rush on a guy like that? There are more guys in perhaps lower tiers. Not a major offense but just not super smart IMO. Second pick, overdrafted for a very good football player but just not paying attention to positional value at all. Bigger needs and higher positional value available. Again, absolutely do not dislike the player but is the difference in Brooks and say a 3rd or 4th round RB big enough to warrant passing on a new starting center? A LB? EDGE? Then promptly in the 3rd we make a major reach(IMO) on a high level athlete with questionable football abilities. So, basically a guy that immediately projects as a special teams player. Well, what value is that in the 3rd? In the first 1-3 rounds, you need to be looking at guys that have a shot at actually being in your two deep. When is this guy seeing the field, exactly? 2 years? 3? And that's probably best case. That's not a 3rd rounder, that's a 5th-7th rounder or a UDFA.
  16. It wasn't what I would call significant but he did miss some time with injury in his college career. It's not a comparison with Wilson. Wilson's college career largely looked like Horn's NFl career, minus the injury free last couple of years. Which, I suppose that is another arrow in the quiver of the Horn stans that say he will be healthy forever once he leaves us. There is no way to know. Also, even if that were the case, what would it matter? If he couldn't stay healthy for us but does elsewhere, what exactly are we supposed to do about it?
  17. That and the fact he might be a one contract player given the age. All that being said, I still would have preferred we gambled on him than someone like Wallace. Wallace just so clearly is in the mold of a Fitterer/Rhule "I'm smarter than everyone else" selection. At this point, stop being cute. Get players who can just fuging play. I feel like this is something we have lost the ability to do as a franchise.
  18. I don’t think we will fire Canales unless we are looking at another 1-2 win season. I think Tepper is going to have more patience with him, like he did Rhule.
  19. I don't really think either of those guys would move the needle much although their ceilings may be higher. I would say we are still not in a position to develop someone like Maye. He needs a ton of work and this isn't a place where he could develop. For Nix, how would his situation be much different than similar lower ceiling rookies put in better situations recently? Is he better than Pickett or Mac Jones? Both of those guys were in far better situations and still failed. Outside of a true HR pick, I don't think you are gonna see many rookie QB's look good given our situation.
  20. I am here for the New England and Denver dumpster fires. Both franchises are richly deserving of it.
  21. Yeah, I concerned the D might take a noticeable step back and the offense might not take a big enough step forward to cover that.
  22. I would say somewhere in the 2-5 wins range is about right. Any more than that would be a geniune shock. Winning record would be almost as shocking as the 15-1 season.
  23. Not every player responds to that sort of coaching style. This is the biggest nothingburger of all time. Some players prefer a fired up guy that wears his emotions on his sleeve and some want a more calm coach. This has existed since the beginning of coaching and playing. Nothing new here.
  24. Because he was a very inaccurate passer in college and the history of those guys making it is pretty clear. It's possible he could be an outlier but there is a reason you mention Allen, he is really the only one that did turn it around. I don’t bet on outliers. And that is without mentioning that he is primarily a run first decision maker while being injury prone(not good) and that he was(IIRC) the only rookie QB with a lower percentage of deep targets than Young. I was not a big AR fan before the draft and he really did nothing to make me change my mind in year one.
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