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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Yeah but you could also draft a guy like Luck or RGIII that is injured and out of the league far short of the expectation. I just don't think we agree on that 30-33 range being "the back end" of a QB career.
  2. I mean....okay. I agree that is probably the best spot for him but we will see. Not a position I would take that strong of a stance on.
  3. Well Watson is also rumored to be interested in the Jets, and that is about as far from a "win now" franchise as you could get.
  4. The thing is that of course he gets injured. Philip Rivers got injured all the time too. EVERYONE IN THE NFL GETS INJURED. I really have no idea how he got the "injury prone" rap. My God....if he is always injured, how is he throwing for 4k+ yards all the time?? Guess he wasn't that injured.
  5. Well 6 of the 10 ten passers in the NFL this year were 30+. Hell, 4 of the 6 were 36+. Also, of those 4, one has struggled with(and played through) injuries his entire career and two of the others have had serious knee injuries. Remember that this is also the modern NFL where it is almost illegal to touch the QB. As long as you don't have a guy that isn't getting a RB pounding(Carr, Cam, etc), they should last for a while. I just am not buying into this "too old" mantra for these top flight QB's. Not all of them are Andrew Luck.
  6. He is actually less talented than Teddy, IMO.
  7. Remember when people said that about Tom Brady this past offseason......
  8. I think the concern is having an NFL caliber starting QB. Make no mistake, Matt Stafford is a top 10 NFL QB. Those don't grow on trees. It isn't likely we obtain one of those at #8. It is actually pretty unlikely that happens.
  9. LMAO. Yes the Chargers have really competed for fans in LA. The dude wants to win. The Rams are set to win. This guy just lived in Detroit....you think that Southern California is gonna scare him off? Yeah, sign me up for that kind of weather.
  10. It isn't like our top 10 picks recently have netted us franchise changing players, TBH. Very good players but none that have changed the fortunes of the franchise. Other than perhaps Cam.
  11. You are aware how little Stafford's contract is for 2021 and 2022, right? So explain how that keeps us from signing Moton. You are aware he is a 2021 Free Agent, correct? The Rams jettisoned an awful QB contract and obtained a top 10 NFL QB for 2 1sts and a 3rd. Given the acceptance of Goff was likely the 1st rounder, that is pretty damn cheap. And comparing Stafford and Cam is apples to applesauce. Stafford has been injured but he looked better with a broken thumb than Cam did supposedly healthy. Since 2015, Stafford has missed 8 games. Cam has missed 18 games. I love Cam to death but he is a shell of himself. Stafford threw for over 4000 yards, 26 TD's and at a 64.6% rate while playing with a broken thumb part of the year. The rest of what you are talking about is purely speculative or inaccurate. Paying Stafford 35+ mil. Maybe. No free agency money. Since when? Our cap situation is looking pretty good. No draft picks? So, hypothetically, losing 2 first rounders and a 3rd is all our draft picks? Finally, at our current position it is entirely likely we MAY have to trade draft capital to move up to get one of these young QB's. I fully agree that if we hit on that pick, there is nothing more valuable than a 5 year rookie QB deal. However, this is also ignoring that none of those first round QB's are sure things. Matt Stafford is a well known commodity and regarded as one of the best QB's in the league. If you don't believe me, look at what was being offered for him and the amount of teams trying to acquire him.
  12. CMC is unlikely to be traded. Not only do most teams(perhaps none) not want him with that contract but it would be extremely detrimental to our cap.
  13. Remember when Huddlers wanted to pass on a 32 year old Matt Stafford because of age but now want a 37 year old QB? Rodgers makes no sense at all. He's an asshole and his best years are not going to coincidence with when we will be in Super Bowl contention. Yes he is arguably the best QB in the league but giving up the farm to get him doesn't make sense.
  14. Huge to get these three wins after a long layoff and with so many different lineups due to the COVID situation. Very impressive.
  15. I mean....it wasn't a terribly distinguished career, in fairness. I remember him but I cannot recall many notable plays.
  16. Who seriously follows Panther family member social media accounts? That is weird and creepy.
  17. The amount of hate and discontent about trying to acquire Stafford was ridiculous. I genuinely sometimes question the football acumen of the average Huddler.
  18. I am not surprised we offered more than a 1st. Also not surprised that other teams did.
  19. I mean, gyrate all you want but we are below .500 all time and have had 7 of 26 winning seasons. In case you haven't calculated that out, that's 26.9% of our seasons have winning records. Not many NFL franchises have ever had that low of a winning season percentage. But, by all means, ignore the simple facts and history of the two franchises. I'd trade our history for theirs 100 out of 100 times.
  20. 1 Super Bowl Title, 4 SB appearances, 4 Conference Championships, 15 Divisonal titles, 6 periods(longest at 8 years) of back to back or more winning seasons, 26 seasons out of 55 of winning records. This is just from the Super Bowl Era. I don't know what you consider successful, but you are more than welcome to list the Panthers accomplishments in those categories. I already know them quite well, so I don't think you are going to enjoy seeing them side by side As I said, we aren't nearly as successful.
  21. The more interesting thing is that right now Stafford is the second best and Jimmy G. is a very distant fourth. If SF doesn't make a big move in the draft or for Watson, they may end up in the dust bin of the best division in the NFL.
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