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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I tend to agree. I think Williams and Maye are going to have much more difficult transitions to the NFL than most fans think. The one thing I will give Maye credit for is that he seems to be actively seeking out former NFL QB advice(or at least publicly). That SEEMS to signal he might be taking this a bit more serious of a challenge than Williams. TBD.
  2. If he is the benchmark, Brown is probably in the 18-20ish range. I do think he will end up slightly higher than that.
  3. Well, that's not how that always works with owners. Just ask our last one.
  4. You guys really want some nightmare fuel? Guess who will be taking over operation of the team when Tepper croaks?
  5. Maybe. You can never know this far out. I am fine with BPA, IDC the position. We need it all.
  6. It will just be another FSU edge that lets us down. It's tradition.
  7. BPA. It is a weak edge/DE class so unlikely that will happen unless we are just lightspeed stupid(possible)
  8. We can make some stop gap acquisitions at a decent price but the long term plan needs to be draft better. We can get starting quality and rotational quality guys and we need both, doesn't matter if we keep Burns or not. Our focus needs to be building the team for the long term. That was the lie that Tepper and Rhule perpetuated but never actually attempted.
  9. I hated the contract, TBH. Same with Sanders.
  10. Tackles is not a great stat for run defense. TFL is, however.
  11. Pros understand that this is a business and business decisions have to be made, hence why most have to look after themselves. Burns is legitimately doing that. Also, Burns and his agent probably don't have this insane idea of him being an elite DE deserving top 3 money unless they learn about this Rams trade. I don't blame them for wanting the world from the franchise. The franchise said you are one of the most valuable players in the NFL(more valuable than almost any starting QB) by turning down that trade. This mess isn't really Burns fault, it's the Panthers FO. That said, under no circumstances do I want to see Burns here on a top 5 DE/EDGE contract. He is not that and it is highly unlikely he ever is that.
  12. Spending wildly in free agency on "big names" has a long and generally unsuccessful history in the league. Drafting well is how you build a team for longevity. It's the most obvious thing about the NFL offseason almost every year.
  13. There is a chance this is a wake up call for Burns and his agent after they talk to several teams.
  14. I don’t think it's about "bad." He is just getting paid more than he is worth and you can't keep everyone. I am just not sure I see a scenario where in 3 years we look at him and say that deal with worth it. Not to say he is a bad player at all.
  15. That's great but he's also a backup tier player. Fields just is not a guy.
  16. I am guessing they are aware he is likely to never be the same player he was prior to that Achilles tear. I can understand that.
  17. Pittsburgh would be a good fit but I get the feeling he's rub Tomlin the wrong way pretty quickly. They publicly seem to be leaking that Pickett will be given another shot. No idea why. He's basically a backup QB.
  18. Watson is a far better player than Fields. That makes little sense. If you want to bench Watson, just keep Flacco until Watson becomes cheap enough to cut.
  19. We are better off simply cutting Sanders and taking our medicine on that move. He is a wasted roster spot.
  20. Don't be surprised if it's very backloaded with a large salary that is not guaranteed. That's pretty standard.
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