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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. I could fully support this offseason shift....minus the OG and keeping Ian Thomas. Just....be bad. Accumulate draft picks, get talent for the next 4-5 offseasons and slowly build towards being a sustainable team. Or....we could just gut our core and still spend wildly in free agency at the same time. I mean...why not? fug it. Let's package our two seconds to move up to 21st and take a future bust. Why not?
  2. I am guessing Brown is probably gonna get moved at some point.
  3. We quite literally are half stepping on the OL. They aren't good minus Moton and maybe this guy. Jesus, we might be starting @TheBigKat on a vet minimum deal at the fuging rate we are going. Also, what is the point of having two good OL but destroying the entire rest of the team? Good Lord....what core is left? It's literally Brown and I have to assume he is likely gone sooner rather than later. I get it, these guys are losers but if that is the case.....just fuging be bad while being fuging cheap. That makes some sense. Turning around and shelling out megabucks for a guard makes none.
  4. I mean, why not? The defense was good last year. Let's make sure that changes.
  5. Brother, that is one of the worst episodes literally in the history of the franchise. One of the worst decisions we have ever made. No one is going to let that go. That's just just pure dementia to suggest otherwise.
  6. Also one of the highest paid ones. I am not mad at the player but fug me the money is a head scratcher. Why go full rebuild but blow money like that? Jesus...we probably aren't even gonna break .500 during the terms of his contract. So....fuging....WHY???
  7. The thing that sucks the most is knowing the full cost of how insanely badly we lost in the Brian Burns episode. Turned 2 firsts and a second into a second and a fifth.
  8. Yeah, probably closer to half a decade. Just depends on how good we are at drafting.
  9. Probably a safety net for the likely scenario that their drafted QB is not really ready in year one. I think that is a reasonable assumption to make.
  10. Every time I see an employee fired for some HR violating "free speech" I always laugh. All they had to do was wait until they were outside the company premises(and not actively representing the company) and they can say the most wild and offensive poo on the planet with little repercussion(minus social media). But you thought free speech had anything to do with your employer. And clearly read absolutely nothing of the employment agreements you signed nor any HR policy. In the end, the trash usually takes itself out.
  11. I think those were almost entirely in the coaching ranks based on how that was built and how dysfunctional it was. Although.....now maybe that explains Ian Thomas.....
  12. I think this will basically come down to Cousins. He has far less of an ideal situation in Atlanta than Minnesota but it does seem like his main priority is one last cash grab. Ideally, he signs a mega deal with the Falcons and then promptly starts to show his decline while saddling them with a roster nuking contract.
  13. As I said earlier today here, Thomas is the new Bersin. His ability to keep sticking around defies all logic and reasoning. No one will ever probably be able to explain that to the fanbase. I don't think there is any possibility that a real explanation exists.
  14. I think that's the problem, he really can't fill a backup role. You can't have your backup come in and just get blasted on just about every play. That's how we ended up digging in the dumpster so often last season. Sadly, we aren't going to struggle to find a vet minimum player that is better than Bozeman. He just did not fit this scheme at all. It was PAINFULLY obvious when you saw him play under Wilks versus under Reich.
  15. I mean he is gonna be 36 next season. It's basically the end. We all think these guys are gonna be Tom Brady but that isn't the norm. He is in his last 2-4 years in the NFL, most likely. Not to mention his production(and ability to stay healthy) has gotten worse the past couple of years. It wasn't a surprise to see him benched in Tenn. It was just time to move on from a guy who is on the backside of his career. Also, his career ceiling was never that high. We aren't talking about a guy who was even able to consistently be in the top 20 starting QB discussion in his career.
  16. You are getting emotionally connected to players of little significance. Hurst was fuging HORRIBLE. Literally the worst TE on the roster. Bozeman was consistently one of our bottom two OL every week in the scheme we were running(similar to this year). And Jackson was a good player but the future after that Achilles is probably a little bleak. He was overpaid for what we got in the end, although mainly due to injuries. I don't mind moving on. How in the world Thomas made it I will never be able to explain.
  17. If we struggled schematically in what we were runningast year, he would struggle this year too. He is a square peg. It just is what it is. Moving him around isn't going to change that.
  18. Tannehill is about as close to being done as you can get. He's probably going to be a poor man's Dalton after next season. Aging vet backup QB with some still in the tank.
  19. I mean that's fine but none of those are considerations in what I said at all. It's about winning at the end of the day. I care nothing about the things you are mentioning.
  20. It is what it is with that attempt. Slavin just couldn't shut it down.
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