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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Took a dive and literally stopped a follow through with his face. It was ugly. Stick right in the chops.
  2. Yeah....that's uh....that's not how you want to stop shots....with your face. That did not look pleasant.
  3. Wow. First PP goal since we were in Hartford!
  4. It was dramatic because he never even saw it. He knows it was a blind luck save.
  5. Yep. Keep the pressure on and don't be dumb. We are owed a make up penalty, so we need to finally capitalize on a PP for once in the past 30 games.
  6. Good penalty. We need another opportunity to score.
  7. Let's get this ass whipping started. I want to demoralize them. Put 5+ goals on them.
  8. Big market team and Original Six. They want this poo for their big markets.
  9. He's good but he got flattened in the first series. He isn't invincible.
  10. Yeah, just pepper the guy with decent shots and create some rebound/redirect opportunities.
  11. Yeah well all this cancel culture is getting pretty stupid anyway, so you aren't gonna get me on that train. He has a bunch of pretty minor stuff and almost all of it is 20+ years ago. The only serious thing he really got involved in was the DUI. I am not going down the road of "he's racist" for making a bad joke when he was hammered.
  12. Yeah, I mean IIRC that was also them drunk and ending up pissing in the parking deck. I don't think I would call that racist, just making a bad joke to his buddies. I mean, if it was me in her shoes(and yes I realize it is different for a woman), I am probably laughing when they do that.
  13. Racist remarks? Curious to hear about that. I know he had some legal issues but nothing I thought was dreadful. Links? Sources?
  14. I could easily see him berating underperforming players and getting into it with them.
  15. If you look at what happened with Harbaugh and what supposedly happened with Flores, he might just be one of those "my way or the highway" guys that doesn't mesh well with owners or FO folks. Just a theory I had kicked around previously. IF McCoy is right, it would explain that a little.
  16. I love Smitty to death but I am not sure he would make a good coach. He is a little too high strung, to put it mildly.
  17. It's hard to say. This is just one guy saying it. If more guys step forward and say the same thing publicly, I guess you have the answer. Yeah, it could all just be sour grapes. But, there is something up about why EB hasn't been hired. If there were NO other minority coaches getting hired, I would lean towards good ol boy network but has happened a couple of times since EB was on the radar. There is definitely something up.
  18. Yeah, sounds like he might be one of those old school coaches that is overtly abusive/negative. This adds up to why he hasn't been elevated to HC status. It would make a lot of sense.
  19. I mean....lol....does it matter at this point? It isn’t solely Raanta's fault here. The team is trash on the road. Like....unbelievably bad.
  20. Honestly, probably not that. Change some lines, maybe
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