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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. At least you could see some sort of design, for better or worse. I don't think he woulf have led us much higher than around .500 but there would have been something logical to see. The Rhule and Reich eras were the opposite of logical. I guess we will see what the Canales era(although likely short) looks like.
  2. Yeah, all of this is starting to look like another episode of square pegs in round holes. That really does seem to be a Tepper staple.
  3. I mean, we also just used a second round pick and now signed Penny. That's not a tiny investment, although not an Atlanta Falcons level of investment either. Seems like we are doubling down on some 1990'd era football. Interested to see how it works out
  4. Well we have investing an insane amount of resources at RB the past two offseasons. It better pay dividends.
  5. It's critical because there is only so deep you can dig yourself a hole. Two games down is very bad.
  6. Not a good start. Good to see them battle back but that early hole was rough. Next game is critical. Going down 2 games makes everything very hard.
  7. Yeah, these national guys are tough to watch.
  8. Nervous. We gotta take one of 2 in NY or it's tough sledding. fug it, let's make it game 1 and tilt the series right out of the gate.
  9. It's interesting that they are on the pro personnel side.
  10. I am honestly mostly nervous due to the attrition. We lost some very capable guys, although I know we are possibly the most deep team in the playoffs. Still.....I am just nervous. We need to take one of the first two games, IMO. If not, it's gonna be trouble.
  11. Honestly, I doubt it. That franchise seems pretty emotionless about trading away 1st and 2nd round picks. It's quite the anomaly.
  12. Nervous about the NYR series. That is really the only team I am worried about facing this playoffs.
  13. It's the top ten part that is so incredibly confusing. So, you are gonna have a guy on top ten money, a 24 year old guy, mind you...possibly sitting for 4 years? Well.....why? The thing is, maybe that front office loves him. Maybe the coaching staff does. But those guys legitimately don't have great odds of being around to see him play(barring an injury to Cousins). It just doesn't make sense to shell out a massive FA contract and then also use a top ten pick on a QB.
  14. It's just "how much did you like these players for this team given their situation." The draft re-grade articles a few years down the line are always interesting.
  15. The point is this has happened before. We have signed hometown guys.
  16. Weren't Icky and Grier both Panthers fans too?
  17. Looks like mostly a B/C rated draft by the fanbase.
  18. The grades for our classes at year 5 are rarely higher than immediately after the draft. We have been supremely talented at having terrible drafts recently. But, that's how you end up with one of least talented rosters in the NFL.
  19. I am apathetic enough that I don't really have any emotions about watching games at this point. I don't get excited about wins and I don't care much about losses. I don't actually get any fun out of Panthers football. I just watch because I am used to doing it. Eventually if that wears thin, I will just not watch at all. Plenty of other good NFL football I can watch. Hope it doesn't come to that but I don't see really any chance of this franchise turning it around under Tepper. I guess I will see how 10+ years of this feels and just go from there.
  20. But that isn’t worth a pick being trade for one spot. Like I said, the move up because someone was going to snag your guy, I get that. Had it been just solely for the 5th year, that's illogical to me. Glad to see it wasn't the latter.
  21. I disagree somewhat. The third rounders are typically guys you expect to end up in your two deep. I would agree that more gambling does happen in that round. I just thought there were better players at his position available and better prospects at other positions available at the time of the pick. He would not have been my pick in the 3rd round.
  22. I think that matters if the player works out. If he doesn't it then trading up for that reason looks very stupid I am much more comfortable with the decision to move up because they wanted to scoop a team looking for their player. That is logical.
  23. Worth it remains to be seen. It does make it seems like there was some logic behind it, which makes me a little less perturbed.
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