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Everything posted by kungfoodude

  1. Yeah, that's my point. That literally means nothing. His literal MO is melting down when it matters and the bullets are real. He has proven that at three different franchises so far. Do you really expect that to change suddenly?
  2. I mean, given where he was from and his age, I'd be a little shocked if JR wasn't at least somewhat racist. That said, he wasn't Marge Schott. It seems like a lot of the players had an affinity towards him so he clearly wasn't a monster. The creepy old man stuff? That is super believeable. He is from a time where that was more accepted and also a powerful and rich person. That isn't hard to believe at all. Now, I will always wonder why he ended up in the crosshairs of the NFL. Something seemed fishy about that, especially when guys like Snyder lasted so long.
  3. I mean.....you don't get into the HOF in the offseason. Darnold has zero NFL future as anything other than a backup QB or ultra low tier starter. He has conclusively proven that. It's not even a question.
  4. I will say once you have been in newer arenas and stadiums with their way better bathroom set-ups, it is such a massive improvement. It clears up a lot of insane lines just waiting around to piss. I have taken to not drinking at all at older stadiums just so I don't have to deal with planning when to take a piss and what part of the game I am gonna be forced to miss because of it. It's so nice to be in a new arena/stadium with way better bathroom accessibility that doesn't force you to literally miss the game. Not to mention I will actually spend money on booze there then.
  5. My buddy and I sold ours for the cost of the transfer fee. He listed them on Marketplace and found someone interested. He wanted them for his kids. I told my buddy to report him for child abuse.
  6. I would argue that he hasn't proven he can manage a game yet. He has been a less TO prone, less idiotic and substantially less talented Sam Darnold to date.
  7. I think he reads the social media comments like an idiot.
  8. I think point two is literally a lie. Snyder said the same but he returned because it "wasn't fun." Tepper is a far worse owner than Snyder to date, so I don't expect him to learn any more than Snyder did.
  9. I think they just keep convincing themselves they have a plan. The truth is, they are just blindly floundering. Maybe one day they will learn from all the fuging up. I haven't seen much evidence that Tepper is self aware enough to realize he is a massive reason this franchise is a mess. He seems to be convinced that it's others failing him.
  10. I officially gave up last year. All the BS was just so obvious that I couldn't ignore if anymore. We aren't going to be poo with this owner. He is an idiot. A very confident idiot, which is the worst kind.
  11. Yeah, the difference is now that I really don't care what happens at all. I am just an interested observer/glutton fof punishment. Then I will call up a couple of buddies and we can bitch and rant for about an hour sometime that week.
  12. Oh, I am gonna still watch. NFL Sunday is a tradition I plan to keep.
  13. I completely checked out on college football. Once the money grabs for TV deals killed the Pac 12 and gutted the Big 12, I was done. I really watch very little college football aside from checking out potential prospects pre-draft.
  14. It's definitely the least. I have come out of the fog of expecting Tepper to learn and real change to happen. I am settled into expecting us to fumble and bumble our way through the next decade or so.
  15. That line was exceptional. We do have recency bias about that. We have had better offensive linemen than we probably think. Not consistently enough.
  16. Oh, he was fresh. He just choked. I think it should be a 50/50 all season. This allows Freddie to stay healthy and it gives Kochetkov tons of reps. The future is Koochie Mane, IMO. His ceiling is very high and I think he has the ability to rise to the occasion.
  17. Remember Freddie played barely any of the season. Less than 20% of the overall goalie starts.
  18. Houston is not what I would call a "gaudy metropolis." There is only one area in Texas that fits that description and it's Dallas/Forth Worth. Houston is quite a bit dingier/dirtier by comparison, IMO. Also, Houston has a VERY large footprint and so despite being a significantly larger city than CLT it typically doesn't feel more densely populated than CLT in the downtown area(sometimes it feels less so on foot). In general it's not a fair comparison because Houston metro is about 2.5 times the size of Charlotte metro. It doesn't take much in terms of support there to keep a team afloat.
  19. Also, side note, Ass Goaltending sounds like a gay prison porno.
  20. Sticking with Freddie was a mistake but Kochetkov didn't exactly light it up either. Next year it needs to be a 50/50 split, that includes the playoffs if it isn't clear who the stud is.
  21. As someone who has been to most metropolitan areas of this country, your description of Houston is pretty strange.
  22. Bobrovsky has actually seen his save percentage drop from the regular season. His GAA has improved, however.
  23. fug FL. Hopefully Edmonton wins. Funny that two of the least statistically impressive goalies during the playoffs are going to be facing off.
  24. Pretty sure that's Jonny Bones Jones.
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